


Scientific Interests

Field of research: political process in the Arab world, Russian politics in the Middle East.


Professor of the Department of Modern East, Faculty of History, Political Science and Law, Russian State University for the Humanities.

Author of more than 150 works, including: Red Flag over the Middle East? (M., Institute of Asian and African Countries, Moscow State University, 2001); Communists of the Middle East in the USSR. 1920-1930s. (M., Russian State University for the Humanities, 2009); Foreign Policy of Saudi Arabia. Priorities, directions, process of decision making. (M., Institute of Middle East, 2003, co-author with Elena S. Melkumyan); Saudi Arabia: Political Processes in 1990-2000s. (M., Institute of Middle East, 2013); Arab Nationalism or Arab Nationalisms: doctrine, ethnonym, variety of discourse // Nationalism in the World History / ed. by V.A. Tishkov, V.A. Snirelman. (M., Nauka, 2007); The Middle East Conflict: historical retrospective, myths of Arabism and Zionism, modernity // Ethnicity and Religion in the Contemporary Conflicts / ed. by V.A. Tishkov, V.A. Snirelman. (M., Nauka, 2012); Russian-Saudi Relations: political aspect. 1990-2015. (M., Institute of Middle East, 2016).