
Department of Israel and the Jewish Communities

The Department of Israel and the Jewish Communities deals with a wide range of issues related to the study of history, politics, economics, social dynamics, and social processes in modern Israel. In addition, numerous researchers of the Department study various processes currently taking place in the Jewish community of Russia.

Our scholars actively participate in the institute, all-Russian and international conferences on these subjects. Moreover, the Department works in partnership with other institutions (the Israeli Embassy in Russia, the Russian State University of the Humanities, Institute of Asian and African Studies of the Moscow State University, the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, the Jewish Museum, the Institute of National Security Studies (Tel Aviv), etc.). The Department independently conducts conferences, "round tables", and meetings with experts on issues related to its activities.

The researchers of the department actively publish their works in various periodicals, in particular those reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission; almost every year individual monographs are published.

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Division Staff >>

Viktor Smirnov

PhD in History
Leading Researcher

Телефон: +7 495-132-73-53 доб.3191, 3170



Инновационная экономика Израиля. Как построить хай-тек державу на болоте Онлайн-семинар “The energy factor in the Libyan conflict: domestic and regional dynamics” Израиль - «Страны Востока во время пандемии» - Дмитрий Александрович Марьясис