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Мария Степановна

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Семитские языки, эфиосемитские языки, современные эфиосемитские языки, язык сокотри


2020 г. – наст. время – доцент  Института классического Востока и античности НИИ ВШЭ 

2017 – 2019 гг.  ведущий научный сотрудник Института классического Востока и античности НИИ ВШЭ

2010 – 2014 гг. – доцент Центра древневосточных исследований, Институт восточных культур и античности, Российский государственный гуманитарный университет

11.2008 – 2010 гг.  доцент Кафедры Истории и филологии Древнего Востока, Институт восточных культур и античности, Российский государственный гуманитарный университет


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Список основных публикаций

  1. Semantic Shifts in the Lexical Field of Taste in Geez” // Scrinium 1, Sankt-Petersburg 2005. Pp. 325-353.
  2. “Basic Colour Terms in Gǝʕǝz: Synchronic and Diachronic Aspects” // Proceedings of the XVth International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Hamburg July 20-25, 2003, ed. by S. Uhlig, Wiesbaden 2006. Pp. 737-745. 
  3. “Basic Color Terms of Biblical Hebrew in Diachronic Aspect“ // Babel und Bibel 3, 2006. Pp. 181-216.
  4. “Basic Color Terms from Proto-Semitic to Old Ethiopic” // Anthropology of Color, ed. R. E. MacLaury, G. V. Paramei, D. Dedrick, Amsterdam/Philadelphia 2007, 247-261.
  5. „Nota genitivi za- in Epigraphic Geez“ // Journal of Semitic Studies LIV/2 Autumn 2009, 393-419.
  6. “The Genealogical Position of Tigre and the Problem of North Ethio-Semitic Unity“ (Co-author L. Kogan) // ZDMG 160 (Heft 2), 2010, 273-302. 
  7.  “Arabic influences on Tigre: A preliminary evaluation” (Co-author L. Kogan) //  Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, volume 74, issue 1, 2011, 1-39.
  8. “South Ethiopian Pronouns and Verbs in an Arab Grammatical Text Revisited after Seventy Years” (Co-author L. Kogan) // Journal of the American Oriental Society 131.4, 2011, 617-621.
  9. “Negative markers *ʔay-, *ʔi- and *ʔal- in Ethio-Semitic” // Babel und Bibel 6, 2012, 385-420.
  10. “The Catalogue of Semantic Shifts as a Database for Lexical Semantic Typology” (Co-authors Anna A. Zalizniak, D. Ganenkov, I. Gruntov, T. Maisak, M. Russo) // Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences, Vol. 50, No. 3, 2012, 633-669.
  11. Word Order in Epigraphic Gəʕəz // Aethiopica 15, 2012, 136-175. 
  12. The diachronic background of the verbs wīda and ġerōb ‘to know’ in Mehri // Archaism and Innovation in Semitic Languages. Selected Papers, ed. J. P. Monferrer-Sala - W. G. E. Watson, Cordoba 2013, 1-32.
  13. Эфиосемитские языки (Соавтор Л. Коган) // Языки мира: Семитские языки. Эфиосемитские языки, ред. М.С. Булах, Л.Е. Коган, О.И. Романова, Москва: Academia, 2013, 13-141.
  14. Геэз язык (Соавтор Л. Коган) // Языки мира: Семитские языки. Эфиосемитские языки, ред. М.С. Булах, Л.Е. Коган, О.И. Романова, Москва: Academia, 2013, 141-199.
  15. Эпиграфический геэз // Языки мира: Семитские языки. Эфиосемитские языки, ред. М.С. Булах, Л.Е. Коган, О.И. Романова, Москва: Academia, 2013,  199-215.
  16. Тигре язык // Языки мира: Семитские языки. Эфиосемитские языки, ред. М.С. Булах, Л.Е. Коган, О.И. Романова, Москва: Academia, 2013, 216-260.
  17. Тигринья язык (Соавтор Л. Коган) // Языки мира: Семитские языки. Эфиосемитские языки, ред. М.С. Булах, Л.Е. Коган, О.И. Романова, Москва: Academia, 2013, 260-311.
  18. Амхарский язык (Соавтор Е.Г. Титов) // Языки мира: Семитские языки. Эфиосемитские языки, ред. М.С. Булах, Л.Е. Коган, О.И. Романова, Москва: Academia, 2013, 311-374.
  19. More on Genealogical Classification of Ethiopian Semitic (Co-author L. Kogan) // Babel und Bibel 7, 2014, 599-608.
  20. Origin and Evolution of the Personal Marker l(ə)- in the Prefix Conjugation of Tigre // Babel und Bibel 7, 2014, 375-388.
  21. Two Erotic Stories from Soqotra Revisited (Co-authors V. Naumkin, L. Kogan)  // Babel und Bibel 7, 2014, 527-563.
  22. “To know” in Mehri (Co-author L. Kogan) // Babel und Bibel 7, 2014, 389-442.
  23. Multiple Exponence in the Long Prefix Conjugation of the Transversal South Ethio-Semitic Languages // Explorations in Ethiopian Linguistics: Complex Predicates, Finiteness and Interrogativity, ed. by Ronny Meyer, Yvonne Treise and Azeb Amha, Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden, 2014, 149-178.
  24. Studies in the Verbal Morphology of Soqotri I/1: Strong triconsonantal roots in the Basic Stem (the Analysis) (соавторы V. Naumkin, D. Cherkashin, L. Kogan, A. Issa, I. Gumaan) // Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 59, 2014, 25-56.
  25. Ancient Gəʕəz Orthography: Evaluation of the Fragment of Luke (Verses 6:37-6:43) in the Manuscript MY-002 from Däbrä Maʕṣo, Təgray // Linguistic, Oriental and Ethiopian Studies in Memory of Paolo Marrassini, ed. by A. Bausi, A. Gori, G. Lusini, Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden 2014, 177-212.
  26. A Fragment of Ancient Four Gospels Book (Lk 6:35-7:7): A Short Analysis (co-author D. Nosnitsin) / Linguistic, Oriental and Ethiopian Studies in Memory of Paolo Marrassini, ed. by A. Bausi, A. Gori, G. Lusini, Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden 2014, 551-581.
  27. Studies in the Verbal Morphology of Soqotri I/2: Strong triconsonantal roots in the Basic Stem (the lexical data) (соавторы V. Naumkin, D. Cherkashin, L. Kogan, A. Issa, I. Gumaan) / Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik60, 2014, 35-73.
  28. Non-verbal Predication in Epigraphic Gəʕəz // Multidisciplinary Views on the Horn of Africa. Festschrift in Honour of Rainer Voigt’s 70th Birthday, ed. by H. Elliesie, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag: Köln, 2014, 595-638.
  29. The Proto-Semitic “Asseverative *la-” and the Innovative 1sg Prefixes in South Ethio-Semitic Languages // Semitic Languages in Contact, ed. by A. M. Butts, Brill: Leiden - Boston, 2015, 68-96.
  30. The Prefix ʔat- in Tigre // Rainer Voigt (ed.). Tigre Studies in the 21st Century / Tigre-Studien im 21. Jahrhundert, Studien zum Horn von Afrika, 2, Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag 2015, pp. 15-45.
  31. Was There a Color Term *ḥmr ‘to be red’ in Proto-Semitic? // Babel und Bibel 9, 2016, 3-17. 
  32. V. Naumkin, M. Bulakh, D. Cherkashin, L. Kogan, A. Issa, I. Gumaan, M. Mohammed. Studies in the Verbal Morphology of Soqotri II: Weak and Geminated Roots in the Basic Stem // Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 63, 2016, 19-60.
  33. On static verbs in Gəʕəz // Time in Languages of the Horn of Africa, ed. by Meyer, Ronny, Edzard, Lutz (Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 107), Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden 2016, 15-52.
  34. Some problems of transcribing Geez // 150 Years after Dillmann’s Lexicon: Perspectives and Challenges of Gəʕəz Studies, ed. by Alessandro Bausi with assistance from Eugenia Sokolinski. Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden 2016, 103-137.
  35. On some poorly known or unrecognized verbal categories in Soqotri: 1905–2015 (co-author L. Kogan) // Brill’s Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 9 (2017) 73–105 https://brill.com/view/journals/aall/9/1-2/article-p73_5.xml?language=en
  36. Al-Malik al-Afḍal’s 14th-century “Arabic-Ethiopic Glossary” as an Attempt at Language Documentation // Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen. Numéro spécial/Special issue 1 (2017). From Mountain to Mountain: Exchange between Yemen and Ethiopia, Medieval to Modern, Eds. Anne Regourd - Nancy Um, pp. 1-30. http://www.cdmy.org › cmyhs › cmyhs01
  37. «Поучение о бренности мира» как жанр староамхарской поэзии // Вестник Православного Свято-Тихоновского Гуманитарного Университета. Филология III:57, 2018, 24-36.
  38. Tigrinya // The Semitic Languages. Second Edition, ed. by John Huehnergard – Na’ama Pat-El, Routledge: London – New York, 2019, pp. 174-201. 
  39. Soqotri (co-author L. Kogan) // The Semitic Languages. Second Edition, ed. by John Huehnergard – Na’ama Pat-El, Routledge: London – New York, 2019, pp. 280-320.
  40. An Old Amharic poem from northern Ethiopia: one more text on condemning glory (co-author D. Nosnitsin) // BSOAS 82, 2, 2019, 315-350. 
  41. Studies in the Verbal Morphology of Soqotri III/1: The Second Stem (co-authors V. Naumkin, D. Cherkashin L. Kogan, A. Issa, I. Gumaan, M. Mohammed) // Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 69, Issue 1, 2019, 61-93. 
  42. Innovations in Semitic color term systems // Ida Raffaelli, Daniela Katunar, Barbara Kerovec (eds.), Lexicalization patterns in color naming: A cross-linguistic perspective, John Benjamins: Amsterdam 2019, 159–189.
  43. Studies in the Verbal Morphology of Soqotri III/2: a List of Sound and Weak Verbs Belonging to Second Stem in Soqotri (co-authors V. Naumkin, D. Cherkashin, L. Kogan, A. Issa, I. Gumaan, M. Mohammed) // Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 70, 2019, 73 – 91. 
  44. The causative stem in Soqotri. The analysis (co-authors Leonid Kogan, Ahmed Issa, Issa Gumaan, Maysoon Mohammed) // Brill’s Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 12, 2020, 260-285. https://brill.com/view/journals/aall/12/2/article-p260_4.xml
  45. Verbs of Falling in Tigrinya // Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies, 16, 2020, 677-720.
  46. The Semantics and Syntax of Stem IV in Soqotri, Journal of Semitic Studies, Volume 66, Issue 1, Spring 2021, Pages 263–292.

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