Статьи сотрудников ИВ РАН


Бизяев Антон Игоревич

Восточная аналитика '2019, №1, с.141-145

Oriental studies in Israel have been essential for the state since its foundation and can be characterized by certain unique features and dynamics. This article provides an overview of educational programs in the field of oriental studies by leading Israeli universities and research centers. An important characteristic of Israeli oriental studies is that the country itself is a part of the Middle East. However, Israeli researchers might face severe limitations working with Muslim countries. In addition, trends in this field in Israel are partially determined by the foreign policy of the state. Historically much of the attention was drawn to the Middle Eastern countries. Although this region is still of the highest priority contemporary educational programs demonstrate a drastic increase in the interest towards Far East, South and South East Asia studies. It corresponds with Israeli political reality as well. Today Israel shows a growing interest in strengthening its trade relations with China and India, and so Israeli oriental studies strongly reflect this tendency. It should be noticed that US reaction to these dynamics remains an open question. This might serve as a prospect for future research

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