Статьи сотрудников ИВ РАН

Soviet Diplomacy and the All-Muslim Congress in Saudi Arabia

Наумкин Виталий Вячеславович

Вестник ИВ РАН '2024, №2, с.30-43

DOI: 10.31696/2618-7302-2024-1-030-043

The article presents little-known episodes of the history of all-Muslim congresses and the caliphate movement of the ninetieth — first third of thetwentieth century. Theauthor reveals the closerelationship between the concept of the caliphate and the ideas of Muslim unity, as well as the reasons for the failure of attempts to implement such projects in practice in the Ottoman era. The historical picture of the preparation and holding of the first all-Muslim congresses in Cairo and Mecca in 1926 is presented in the context of the changing system of international relations and the process of formation of a new geopolitical space in the Middle East. The author comes to the conclusion that the Islamic factor becamean effective tool in the foreign policy of the USSR, which allowed, in the 1920s, to strengthen Soviet positions in Arabia and the Islamic world

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