Статьи сотрудников ИВ РАН

Achievements of China`s Port Construction During the Years of Reform and Opening Up

Семенова Нелли Кимовна

Вестник ИВ РАН '2024, №4, с.53-64

DOI: 10.31696/2618-7302-2024-4-053-064

Over the years of reforms and opening up, China's foreign trade has become one of the foundations of China's 'economic miracle' and the basis of modern China's national strength. Coastal ports serve as gateways to the world, centers for the distribution of global resources, and strategic fulcrum for global development and the Belt and Road initiative. The development of the seaport network as a key connecting link between land and sea has acquired increasing geo-economic significance. China's economic openness strategy has contributed to a significant increase in imports and exports. Growing demand inevitably leads to rapid growth in the port industry, including the development and improvement of container ports, which provide cost-effective, reliable transportation services for foreign trade. At the same time, coastal ports play a key role in implementing international industrial supplies and becoming global production centers, as well as supporting the country's all-round opening-up strategy. China's emergence as a major maritime power is a fact before our eyes, with the overall scale of modern waterway infrastructure becoming the largest in the world over the years of reform, and waterway transportation capacity constantly improving.

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