Статьи сотрудников ИВ РАН

Turkey and Japan: Partnership is Gaining Strength

Ледовская Ольга Андреевна, Иванова Инесса Ильинична

Восточная аналитика '2016, №2, с.89-99

The article deals with the main events and problems in the political and economic relations between Turkey and Japan. Special emphasis was placed on analyzing the motives of the both countries in developing bilateral relations. An active political dialogue between Turkey and Japan is a solid base for the development of efficient trade and investment cooperation. The strategic partnership which was achieved between the two countries during the AK Party’s rule succeeded in construction of Marmaray tunnel and Izmit bridge as well as starting the construction of Sinop nuclear station. Economic cooperation is expected to continue in the area of aerospace industry, aviation and defense industry. Although bilateral political and economic cooperation have huge potential for growth there are some limitations in cooperation on regional and international issues between Ankara and Tokyo. Two countries have different approaches considering the problem of Syrian refugees and territorial disputes between Japan and China as well as disputes between Japan and South Korea. An active political dialogue between Turkey and Japan is a solid base for the development of efficient mutual trade and investment cooperation in the nearest future. It could be provided by the implementation of governmental long-termed strategies and projects. Authors come to the conclusion that mutual understanding in definite political issues and the vast complementary economic potential of the two countries are beneficial for both Turkey and Japan.

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