Monday 21 December 2020
Сonference "2nd World War and the East: to the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory"

On December 21st, 2020, a scientific conference with participation of foreign guests "2nd World War and the East: to the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory" was held at the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences).
A.K. Alikberov, the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, and Romanova N.G., his Deputy for Scientific Work, greeted the guests and participants of the conference warmly.
Scientists and researchers from the leading academic institutions and universities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Lipetsk, Vilnius (Lithuania), Lodzi (Poland), etc. took part in the conference, that was held both in full-time format and via video communication.
23 reports were made at the conference. The speech topics were the following:
1.Vasiliy Christoforov. “The Far-East front of the 2nd World War in 1939-1945 in the documents of the Soviet intelligence agencies.”
2.Yuriy Tikhonov. “The interaction of USSR and Great Britain embassies in Kabul in order to counteract the intrigues of the "axis" countries in 1942.”
3. Elena Katasonova. “The USSR role in the victory over Japan.”
4. Konstantin Sarkisov.“The attempted coup. The palace incident. Events chronicle of the 15th of August 1945.”
5. Dmitriy Mileev. “Japan in 1941-1942. The dilemma of military-strategic choice.”
6. Bella Pak. "Women of delight" for the Imperial Japanese Army: war crime and gross violation of international human rights law.”
7. Lubov Ovchinnikova. “Korean resistance at the end of the 30s and the first half of the 40s. To the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the defeat of militarist Japan.”
8. Larisa Chernikova. “2nd World War and the Eastern emigration in Shanghai (the response to the treacherous attack, confusion and rapid Sovietization in the 1940s).”
9. Elena Nazemtseva. “Russian emigration in China during 2nd World War: split and new perception of the Motherland. Causes and consequences.”
10. Khishigt Novosambuu. “On the history of the Mongolian People's Republic assistance to the Soviet Union and the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War.”
11. Zoya Anayban. “The participation of the Tuva People's Republic as a sovereign state in the Great Patriotic War.”
12. Kirill Fursov. “Subhas Chandra Bos as the quintessence of the problem of Eastern collaborationism.”
13. Nadejzda Jzirova. “Activities of the Indian center of the "Gadar" party during the Second World War.”
14. Andrey Boldirev. “On the study of the 2nd World War in modern Turkish historiography.”
15. Tigran Tumanyan. “Iraq and the 2nd World War: From Arab Nationalism to Political Pragmatism?”
16. Patimat Takhnaeva. “Islamic propaganda policy in the Caucasus: "murids of revolution" and "murids of ghazavat" (1942-1945).”
17. Alexey Bezugolniy. “National formations of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War: political and military aspects of history.”
18. Isabela Konchak. “Activities of Professor Tadeusz Kowalski during 2nd World War.”
19. Viktor Dubovitskiy. “Science of Soviet Tajikistan during the Great Patriotic War.”
20. Galina Mishkilene. “The fate of the Tatar museum during the war period.”
21. Dmitriy Tatarkov. “The actions of the Black Sea Fleet to disrupt enemy maritime transport during the Crimean offensive operation of 1944.”
22. Yuriy Pikalov. “The lighthouses of the Black Sea during the Great Patriotic War.”
23. Natalia Semenikhina. “Kazakhs in the defense of Sevastopol in the years 1941-1942. The defenders' fates.”