Postgraduate and Doctoral Training

Citizens of foreign states are admitted for postgraduate courses or as applicants of the RAS IOSfor extramural postgraduate studies on the basis of international treaties and intergovernmental agreements concluded by the RF(being assigned for study by the Federal Education Agency) as well as in accordance with contracts with the RAS Instituteof Oriental Studies making provision for payment of training costs by legal and physical persons.

Postgraduate training is provided in the following specialties

07.00.03-General history (modern and contemporary history, the Middle Ages, the ancient world)

07.00.09 - Historiography, source studies and methods of historical research

07.00.15 - Historyof international relations and foreign policy

08.00.14 - World economy – economic sciences

10.01.03 - Literature of the peoples of foreign countries (Literatures of the peoples of Asian countries)

10.02.22 - Languages of the peoples of foreign countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, the aborigines of America and Australia

23.00.04 - Political problems of international relations, global and regional development.

Education Program

A program for training a postgraduate student comprises four blocks: theoretical, i. e. perfection of theoretical knowledge in the fields of history and philosophy of science, a foreign language and the specialty in which a Candidate's dissertation will be composed; special, incorporating the theory, methodology and technique of research work; applied, incorporating the program and toolkit of academic research, the organization and conduct of research and experimental work, the processing and interpretation of the results of research and experimental work; the drafting and defense of the dissertation. Teachingtraineeship is an important form of the postgraduate student’s activity. 

Academic Supervision

Academic supervision of postgraduates’ work is conducted by highly skilled specialists having a large experience in training academic and teaching staff. An academic supervisor is attached to the postgraduate to lend him/her scholarly and methodological assistance in working over the dissertation, monitor the performance of work, render psychological support if needed, and work out recommendations concerning the postgraduates’ involvement in the educational process.

Attestation and Rating of the Postgraduate's Work

The postgraduate reports on the work done at the session of the scientific unit and the Academic Council twice a year:

  • interim attestation – reflects the result of the postgraduate’s work during the first semester of the academic year;
  • finalstateattestation - reflects the postgraduate’s work during the academic year, it forms the basis for calculating the rating score of fulfillment of the individual plan of academic work by the postgraduate.

List of documents

Forthepossibilityof an applicant’spostgraduatetrainingtobeexamined, he/shehastosubmit the following documents to the Department of Postgraduate And Doctoral Training of the RAS IOS:

  1. An application addressed to Director of the RAS Institute of Oriental Studies V. V. Naumkin on admission for training;
  1. An autobiography in a free format (or curriculum vitae);
  2. An original version of the document on complete higher education with an indication of subjects taught, grades obtained thereon and general общей academic progress of the applicant and a notarized translation of that document into Russian + copy of these documents (notarized);
  3. Acertificate of equivalence of the document on education;
  4. A filled in questionnaire of a foreign postgraduate student;
  5. A national passport whose period of validity is not less than 18 months, with a notarized translation into Russian. The text of the translation must be notarized by a Russian notary or RF consulate in the country of issueof the document;
  6. A medical certificate attesting that the applicant has no counterindications for учебывРоссии;
  7. A certificate on the absence of HIV infection, issued not earlier than six months prior to the submission of document (the certificate has to be translated into Russian in your country or obtained in Moscow);
  8. A health insurance  policy;
  9. A migration card or a visa;
  10. Six photographs 3х4 см  in size;
  11. An abstract on the subject of research 25-30 pages in volume (in Russian).
  12. A list of scholarly publications available (if any);
  13. A letter of recommendation from a university, academic center or other organization where the enrollee works (if any).

The documents are composed in Russian. In case if the documents were composed in a foreignlanguage,their notarizedtranslationinto Russian must be simultaneously appended.

Certificate of Equivalence of Documents on Education

In accordance with the Russian legislative and normative regulatory framework, the holders of foreign documents on education acquire the right to be enrolled for study in Russian educational institutions or continue their professional activity in the territory of the Russian Federation on the basis of certificates of recognition and establishment of equivalence of their documents on education to the Russian ones.

It is a document confirming the validity of your documents on education for entry into higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. In other words, the RF Ministry for Education and Science confirms that the education you had received is sufficient to enter and be taught at Russia’s higher educational establishments.

The establishment of equivalence of documents on education guarantees that you will be accorded the same academic rights as the holders of similar documents of the Russian Federation.

To carry out the procedure of recognition and establishment of equivalence, the following documents are needed:

  1. A personal application;
  2. A photocopy of the national passport with a notarized translation;
  3. The duly legalized original document on education and appendix thereto mentioning the courses of study taught and their volume, a list of traineeships, term papers and graduate qualification work and other components of academic activity (the original copies are presented only at submission of documents); 
  4. Two notarized copies of the document on education and appendixes thereto;
  5. Two copies of the notarized translation into Russian of the document on education and appendix thereto.

Persons who had graduated from non-state educational establishments should present a certificate from the central body governing education in the country where the document on education had been issued on the status of the educational establishment in question and the documents on education being issued by the latter.

To achieve a recognition and establish equivalence of documents on the second higher education, on finishing a program of studies with a reduced tuition term, on the completion of a Master's degree program, on finishing or a period of education abroad (in case of a partial completion of a program of studies in the territory of the Russian Federation), documents on prior education are additionally submitted.

Documents for nostrification are submitted to:


It is located at the following address:

FGNU “Glavexpertcentr”

ulitsa Ordzhonikidze, dom 11, stroenie 9, kabinet 13, Moscow, Russia, zip 115419

(9 Estate, 13 Office, 11 ul. Ordzhonikidze, Moscow, Russian Federation, 115419)


+7(495) 649-8072 (extension 811) – apostille

+7(495) 649-8072 (extension 821) – nostrification

+7(916) 176-6004 – on questions of acceptance of documents from graduates of 2010 for confirmation FROM REPRESENTATIVES OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS


Official website:

Director: Alexei Vadimovich Monakhov

For international correspondence:

Glavexpertcentr,  ulitsa Ordzhonikidze, dom 11, stroenie 9, kabinet 13, Moscow, Russia, zip 115419.(9 Estate, 13 Office, 11 ul. Ordzhonikidze, Moscow, Russian Federation, 115419)

Transmission of final documents to members of delivery services is made at the Center on Ordzhonikidze Street.

Documents for recognition and confirmation (original copies) are to be sent by mail the following address:

Rosobrnadzor, PRIZNANIE IDO (for recognition) or APOSTILLE (for confirmation)

ul. Shabolovka, d. 33, k. 117, Moscow, Russia, 117997

(Office 117, 33 ul. Shabolovka, Moscow, Russia, 117997)

For international correspondence:


33 ulitsa Shabolovka, kabinet 117, Moscow, Russia, zip 115162 

(Office 117, 33 ul. Shabolovka, Moscow, Russia, 115162 )

To find out if the packageof documents sent by mail to Rosobrnadzor (33 ulitsa Shabolovka) has been received, phone +7 (495) 954-5302