
Regular seminars

  • Seminar “Text and source studies on the East”
    Hosted by Department of Oriental Written Sources
  • Seminar “Literal contest. Relevant issues of modern literary studies”
    Hosted by Department of Asian literature
  • Seminar “History and culture of Ancient East in the light of new discoveries”
    Hosted by Department of Ancient Orient
  • Center for Japanese studies seminar.
    Hosted by: Center of Japanese studies
  • Lecture course “New thought”
  • Other seminars 

Last seminars and round tables

Strength of the mudbrick structures
Wednesday 5 February 2025
Strength of the mudbrick structures
Centre of Archaeology of the Pre-Islamic East Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, Rozhdestvenka St., 12, room 222 15:00 - 17:30

A representative of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences was on a mission to Japan
Tuesday 25 April 2023
A representative of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences was on a mission to Japan
Head of the Department of Korea and Mongolia at the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, Alexander Vorontsov visited Tokyo from April 21 to 25, 2023, at the invitation of the "Forum for the 21st Century for Independence," where he participated in the international symposium "Global Independence and Peace," where he delivered a report on "The current state of Russia, solidarity with the global South and prospects for resolving the crisis in Ukraine" on April 22.

International Seminar
Friday 14 October 2022
International Seminar "Opportunities and Prospects for Russian-Armenian Cooperation on Post-Conflict Reconstruction of Syria"
The international seminar "Opportunities and Prospects for Russian-Armenian Cooperation on Post-Conflict Reconstruction of Syria" was held on the 14th of October 2022.

Round Table
Wednesday 31 August 2022
Round Table "Economic Aspects of the Russian-Iranian Relations: Realities, Risks, and Prospects"
N.Mamedova, PhD in Economics, the Leading Researcher of the Near and Middle East Study Center of the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences), and A.Obukhova, the Junior Researcher of the Center for the Study of Middle Eastern Countries, at the invitation of the Strategic Studies Institute (the Bashkortostan Republic) and the Business Organizations Association (the Bashkortostan Republic) held a master class on Islamic economics in Ufa.

Wednesday 6 April 2022
Seminar "Caucasus in the Past and Present (Society, Politics, Economy, and Culture)"
The 63rd meeting of the seminar was held on the 6th of April, 2022. Zoya Makhmudova, candidate of history, associate professor of MSU History Faculty, made a report: “On Caucasian Volumes of the Series “Peoples of the World” of the USSR Economics Institute as a Soviet Ethnopolitical Project”.

Academic Seminar
Monday 4 April 2022
Academic Seminar "The Enlightenment Age Impact on the Arab World at the Turn of the 18th-19th Centuries"
Alexander Yakovlev, Doctor of History, the chief researcher of the Center of Arab and Islalmic Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences) made a presentation at the academic seminar on the 4th of April 2022.

Wednesday 23 March 2022
Seminar "Middle East: Economical Effects of the New International Situation"
The Center of Arab and Islamic Studies of the Institute of Orienal Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences) organized a seminar dedicated to the dynamics of economics issues in the Middle East during the new world political reality. The event was held on the 23rd of March 2022.

Round Table in the Press Center “Rossiya Segodnia”
Thursday 17 March 2022
Round Table in the Press Center “Rossiya Segodnia”
Alexander Vorontsov, the Head of Korea and Mongolia Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences) made a report at a round table on the 17th of March, 2022, prepared by Russian International Affairs Council and "Russia Segodnia".

Meetings with Professor Yahya Zubir
Thursday 24 February 2022
Meetings with Professor Yahya Zubir
On the 24th of February, 2022, the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies (the Institute of Oriental Studies) organized in Moscow the meetings of Professor Yahya Zubir with the researchers from the Institute and students of higher educational institutions.

Seminar of Sh.Shikhaliev
Tuesday 8 February 2022
Seminar of Sh.Shikhaliev "Islamic Manuscripts from Private Collections and Muslim Subjectivity"
Sh.Shikhaliev held a seminar “Islamic Manuscripts from Private Collections and Muslim Subjectivity” on the 8th of February 2022 in Paris (France), at the Center for the Study of Society and Religions of the French National Research Center (Groupe Sociétés, religions, laïcités. PSL / Ecole pratique des hautes études, Le Center national de la recherche scientifique / CNRS, Paris).

Monday 7 February 2022
Seminar "Debatable Issues of the Eastern History": Reports Made by D.A. Mariasis and N.N. Miklukho-Maclay
On the basis of the Eastern History Department, the research seminar named after O.E. Nepomnin "Debatable Issues of the Eastern History" has been held. The event was dedicated to the discussion of various aspects of the Eastern countries' history.

International Webinar
Thursday 6 January 2022
International Webinar "Pakistani-Russian Strategic Relations" (Islamabad-Peshawar-Moscow, January the 6th, 2022)
Representatives of the diplomatic, military, and scientific circles of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, including employees of the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences) took part in the international webinar "Pakistani-Russian Strategic Relations".

Report by E.A. Karvovskaya “Documenting Scientific Processes and Results
Monday 13 December 2021
Report by E.A. Karvovskaya “Documenting Scientific Processes and Results"
Ms. Karvovskaya made a report “Documenting Scientific Processes and Results. Example from the Library of the Free University of Amsterdam" on the 1st of December 2021 within the framework of the seminar "Textology and Source Study of the East" (Free University of Amsterdam). The report was dedicated to working with digital data and preserving scientific data in the long term.

Seminar on the Project
Wednesday 24 November 2021
Seminar on the Project "Socio-Economic Development of Large Cities in Europe: the Impact of Foreign Investment and Labor Migration"
A scientific seminar was held in an online format on the 24th of November 2021. The Russian Science Foundation runs this project for the years 2019-2021. The supervisor is Professor A.V. Kuznetsov, the Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics.

Round Table
Friday 19 November 2021
Round Table "To the Foundations of the Study Methodology of Traditional Communities of the East"
A regular event of the laboratory "Religion and Society in the East" was held on the 19th of November, 2021 ( It was called "To the Foundations of the Study Methodology of Traditional Communities of the East".

International Scientific Seminar
Tuesday 26 October 2021
International Scientific Seminar
The Center for Scientific and Analytical Information of the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences) together with the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue (Geneva, Switzerland) held an international scientific and practical seminar on the situation in Afghanistan and the prospects for its development.

Report by Andrey Korotaev
Monday 27 September 2021
Report by Andrey Korotaev "Historical Roots of the Afrasian Instability Macrozone"
The History of the East Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences) hosted the fourth Nepomninsk seminar on the 27th of September 2021. The event was dedicated to the theoretical problems of the East.

The Fifth Anniversary of the Unsuccessful Military Coup in Turkey
Monday 19 July 2021
The Fifth Anniversary of the Unsuccessful Military Coup in Turkey
The Turkish Sector of the Near and Middle East Study Center of the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences), jointly with the Study Center of Modern Turkey, held a round table on the 19th of July, 2021. The round table was on the topic “To the Fifth Anniversary of the Unsuccessful Military Coup in Turkey. Experience Interpretation of Subsequent Political and International Development".

Neomodernism - Rational Tool for Analyzing Current Political Processes
Monday 31 May 2021
Neomodernism - Rational Tool for Analyzing Current Political Processes
The third Nepomninsk seminar on the theoretical problems of the East was held on the 31st of May, 2021 at the Department of Oriental History (the Institute of Oriental Studies).

Saturday 22 May 2021
Symposium "Russia and Papua New Guinea"
An international symposium "Russia and Papua New Guinea" was held on the 21st of May 2021 within the walls of the Nevskaya Ratusha administrative and business complex.

Round Table at Moscow Patriarchate on Christian Shrines in the Middle East
Tuesday 18 May 2021
Round Table at Moscow Patriarchate on Christian Shrines in the Middle East
A round table "Christian Shrines in Islamic Regions and Interreligious Dialogue" was held on the 18th of May, 2021 at External Church Relations Department of Moscow Patriarchate.

Seminar “The 4th Industrial Revolution and its Impact on Society and Humanitarian Knowledge
Tuesday 2 February 2021
Seminar “The 4th Industrial Revolution and its Impact on Society and Humanitarian Knowledge"
The regular seminar meeting "Theory and Methodology Issues of History and Socio-Humanitarian Knowledge" took place in the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences) on February the 2nd at 17:00. The topic of the session was: "The 4th Industrial Revolution and its Impact on Society and Humanitarian Knowledge".

Seminar “Engaging China in Micro Intellectual History - Sinologists, Practitioners, and Migrants”
Friday 29 January 2021
Seminar “Engaging China in Micro Intellectual History - Sinologists, Practitioners, and Migrants”
The members of the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences) delivered speeches at the international seminar “Engaging China in Micro Intellectual History - Sinologists, Practitioners, and Migrants” on the 29th January 2021.

Round Table “South Asia and COVID-19. Part 1. India, Pakistan, Nepal
Tuesday 21 July 2020
Round Table “South Asia and COVID-19. Part 1. India, Pakistan, Nepal" Part2. Report "Hinduism in Conditions of Force Majeure"
The remote round table was organized by the Interdisciplinary Project Group "Under the Sky of South Asia" (USSA) of the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences).

Online Webinar
Wednesday 8 July 2020
Online Webinar "Palestine: What's Next?"
Ahmed Majdalani, Secretary General of the Palestinian Popular Front, Minister of Social Development of Palestine, member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, became a guest of honor at the Center of Arab and Islamic Studies (the Institute of Oriental Studies) in terms of the online webinar "Palestine: What's Next?" on July the 8th 2020.

Online Workshop
Wednesday 24 June 2020
Online Workshop "Saudi Arabia - Russia: Oil Interaction"
On June 24, 2020, an online seminar "Saudi Arabia - Russia: Oil Interaction" was held dedicated to the cooperation of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and Russia in the oil sector.

The Round Table
Thursday 27 June 2019
The Round Table "Cooperation Prospects of Russia with International Islamic Organizations"
On June 27th, 2019, a round table “Cooperation Prospects of Russia with International Islamic Organizations” was held at the Institute of Oriental Studies.

Round Table
Wednesday 29 May 2019
Round Table "Egyptian Archaeology and Epigraphy at the Beginning of the 21st Century"
On May 29th, the first meeting of the round table "Egyptian Archaeology and Epigraphy at the Beginning of the 21st Century" was held at the Institute of Oriental Studies. The event was organized by the Department of Oriental History of the Institute with the Department of the Ancient World of the Historical Faculty of the Moscow State University. Dr. Massimiliano Nuzzolo, a researcher of the Czech Institute, delivered two lectures.

Sunday 19 May 2019
Seminar "Theory and Methodology Issues of History: Information and Communication Aspects"
On May 22nd, the first meeting of the scientific and practical seminar "Theory and Methodology Issues of History: Information and Communication Aspects" was held at the Institute of Oriental Studies.

Round Table
Wednesday 17 April 2019
Round Table "Russian-Pakistani Relations in Regional Integration Context"
On April 17th, the Center of the Study of the Countries of the Near and Middle East of the Institute of Oriental Studies hosted a round table “Russian-Pakistani Relations in the Context of Regional Integration” with the participation of the leadership and students of the Pakistani Academy of Management Training (Lahore).

Afghan-Pakistani Workshop
Monday 18 February 2019
Afghan-Pakistani Workshop
On February 18th, 2019, the first meeting was held at the Institute of Oriental Studies in the framework of the Afghanistan-Pakistan seminar. The Center for the Study of the Near and Middle East (CSNME) had organized this seminar regularly. V.Y. Belokrenitsky, the leader of the Center was the head of the seminar, R.D. Daurov was the deputy head, O.E. Mitrofanenkova was the academic secretary.