Tuesday 21 November 2023
A.K. Alikberov, the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, and N.G. Romanova, His Deputy, Attended the 15th Anniversary of Bobojon Gafurov

A monument to Bobojon Gafurov, the national hero of the republic, academician, outstanding scientist, who headed the Institute of Oriental Studies for more than 20 years, was unveiled on the 14th of November 2023, in Tajikistan, in the city of Gafurov (Khujand).
The ceremony was attended by A.K. Alikberov, the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and N.G. Romanova, the Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies for scientific work.
In addition to the monument, the Bobojon Gafurov Museum was presented to the public. It was updated after a complete reconstruction. One of its halls was formed on the basis of photographs that had been stored in the archives of the Institute of Oriental Studies and donated to the museum.
The following officials attended the opening of Bobojon Gafurov’s monument and museum: Emomali Rahmon, the President of Tajikistan, Farhod Rahimi, the President of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Rajabboy Ahmadzoda, the Chairman of the Sughd Region, Usmonzoda Ayub Islom, the Rector of Khujand State University, named after B. Gafurov, and many others high-ranking officials.
Mr. President Emomali Rahmon had a long conversation with the delegation from the Institute of Oriental Studies. The conversation touched upon the topics of science, education, the importance of the Russian language, and the special significance of friendly ties between Russia and Tajikistan.
On the same day in the Musical Drama Theater named after Kamola Khujandi a plenary session was held of the international academic and practical conference “Current Issues of the History and Culture of the Peoples of Central Asia”. The event was dedicated to the 115th anniversary of Bobojon Gafurov. During this session A.K. Alikberov, the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, made a report “Bobojon Gafurov - Patriarch of Soviet Oriental Studies”. N.G. Romanova, the
Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies for scientific work, in addition to her speech, read out words of greeting from the staff of the Institute’s Academic Council, signed by Academician V.V. Naumkin, the Chairman of the Academic Council, Scientific Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences).
Also at the plenary session the speakers were: Farhod Rahimi, the President of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Usmonzoda Ayub Islom, the Rector of Khujand State University named after B. Gafurov, Davron Zokhidzoda, the Deputy Chairman of the Sughd region. Shavkat Shukurov, university associate professor, presented a large report “The Phenomenon of Academician Bobojon Gafurov in the Language of Archival Documents”.
After the plenary session a cooperation agreement was signed between the Institute of Oriental Studies and Khujand State University named after B. Gafurov.
The Directorate of the Institute expresses gratitude to our Tajik colleagues and friends for the opportunity to attend such important events for the Institute and for the warm welcome!