

PhD in History

Scientific Interests

International relations in the Arab world in the late XX – early XXI centuries

International assistance to the Middle East and North Africa

Fragile states of the Middle East

Statebuilding, peacebuilding, and post-conflict reconstruction


2008 – PhD (History), Lomonosov Moscow State History, Department of History, Thesis Title: The Libyan Problem in the History of International Relations (1981-1991)»

2004 – 2008 – PhD Program (World History), Department of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University

2004 – 2005 – M.A. Program (History), Collège Universitaire Français (French University College) representative of Sorbonne Paris IV // Lomonosov Moscow State University.

1999-2004 – Specialist Program, Department of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Diploma with Honours

Membership in organizations

Expert and Advisory Board on International Development Cooperation under the auspices of the Rossotrudnichestvo (the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation, operating under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)

Russian Association of International Development Assistance Experts (RAIDAE), Board Member

Russian Council on International Affairs, expert

Valdai Discussion Club, expert

(2019) – Laureate, Competition of Works Contributing to Implementation of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Development Program, nomination ‘Outstanding Publications’ (category ‘Publications in leading scholarly journals, indexed in international citation databases)

(2018) – Laureate, Competition of Works Contributing to Implementation of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Development Program, nomination III ‘Outstanding Publications’, category I ‘Papers in leading journal indexed in international citation databases, 2016-2018

(2017) – Laureate of the I and II phases of the Competition for grant support of young leaders of research teams of the Lomonosov Moscow State University held by the MSU Council of Young Scholars with the financial support from 'Innopraktika’,

2017 – Laureate, Competition of Works Contributing to Implementation of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Development Program

2016 – 2nd Award, Competition of Works Contributing to Implementation of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Development Program, nomination ‘Research Achievements’

2012 Laureate of “Global Perspectives-2011” - Competition among Young Specialists in International Relations, organized by the Russian International Affairs Council for A.M.Gorchakov Fund for Public Diplomacy Support for the article “Securitization of International Development Assistance: Analysis of Political Discourse”

2010 «Best Publication of Young Scholar» Awards, Moscow State University 2nd prize for the book «The Libyan Problem in International Relations (1969-2008)»

Selected Publications (on the Center’s Problematique)

  1. (2020) International Assistance to the Middle East and North Africa: Managing Risks. Report #62/2020 [Editor: Ruslan Mamedov]. Russian International Affairs Council, 2020. (English version will be available soon)
  2. (2020) Middle East and North Africa in Up-to-Date Statistics on Official Development Statistics: Analytical Review. – M: Moscow University Press, 2020. (In Russian)
  3. (2020) European donors in the Arab World: Redistribution of Resources and Roles // Contemporary Europe. №6 (In Russian) (to be uploaded on the official site)
  4. (2020) The World Bank Financial Intermediary Funds as a Multilateral Mechanism to Channel Assistance to Politically Unstable Regions: The Case of the Middle East and North Africa Transition Fund // International Organisations Research Journal, vol. 15, no 3, pp. (in English). DOI: 10.17323/1996-7845-2020-03-03 (with Alexey Solomatin) – In English.
  5. (2020) U.S. Assistance to Arab States to the MENA Arab Countries under the Trump administration: The Logic of a Differentiated Approach // Moscow University Journal of World Politics. Vol. 12. No.4. Pp.131-170 (In Russian)
  6. (2019) - The Gulf States’ Assistance to Egypt after the 2011 Revolution: Logic, Dynamics, Systemic Impact // Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2019, vol.19, no.4, pp. 566-582 (in Russian)
  7. (2019) The Trump Administration’s Approach Towards Strategic Use of Foreign Aid Resources in Unstable Regions: The Case of the Middle East and North Africa // Changing West and Its Role in Regulation of Global Processes (World Development, Iss. 21)/ Ed. by K.R. Voda, K.A. Godovanyuk, A.A. Davydov et al. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2019. Pp. 168-178 (In Russian)
  8. (2019) U.S. Assistance to Egypt after the Arab Spring: Domestic and External Determinants //USA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura. 2019, no.8, pp.54-74 (In Russian)
  9. (2018) Mutually Assured Obstruction: Russia, the West and Political Dilemmas of Syria’s Reconstruction // Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2018, no.4, pp. 755-774 (In Russian)
  10. (2016) Counterterrorism in 3D: the U.S. regional initiatives in the Sub-Saharan Africa // Lomonosov Readings, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (In Russian)
  11. (2015) The British Policies Towards Libya, 1951-1969: Paradoxes of Selective Interference and Interaction with the United States // Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2015, no. 4, pp. 133-150. (In Russian)
  12. (2010) Ronald Reagan – Muammar Kaddafi: the U.S.-Libyan Confrontation in the 1980s // Modern and Contemporary History. 2010, no.5, pp.64-83 (In Russian)
  13. (2009) The Libyan Problem in the International Relations (1969-2008). M: LENAND, 2009. (In Russian)
  14. (2007) At the Origins of the Libyan Problem: Muammar Kaddafi’s Regime in the U.S. Geopolitical Considerations (1970s) // Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History. 2007, no. 1, pp.3-22 (In Russian)

Expert Commentaries

  1. (2019) Stay (Away): A False Dilemma of the US Policy in Syria // Valdai Discussion Club. 12.12.2019
  2. (2019) The Syrian Azimuth of Gulf Talks: Is the Wind of Change Losing Power? // Valdai Discussion Club. 12.03.2019
  3. (2019) Rebuilding Syria. Where to Begin? // Valdai Discussion Club. 21.02.2019
  4. (2019) Syria’s Recovery: How To Overcome Mutually Assured Obstruction? // Valdai Discussion Club. 19.02.2019

2017-2020 – Principal Investigator of the Project ‘Dilemmas of Strengthening State Resilience in the Middle East and North Africa (grant from Russian Foundation for Basic Research #17-37-01018-OGN)

2011-2012 Sustainability Fellowship / Empowering Sustainability on Earth Program, University of California, Irvine (United States)

2006-2007 Fox International Fellowship – Yale University (United States)
