Dr. of History, Professor
Papers of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS » Editorial Colleague of Serie
Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS » Editorial Colleague
Scientific Interests
Socio-economic history of Asian and African countries; theories of historical process; the role of local communities in the history of various societies; history of India (especially of South India in Middle Ages). One of leading specialists in these problems. The author of about 250 scientific, publicist and popular publications, including 12 monographs, such as “Southern India: Socio-Economic History of 14th – 18th centuries” (1964); “The Social Structure of Indian Village (Uttar Pradesh, 19th centuries)” (1976); “Village Community in Northern India. Main stages of Evolution” (1981, sec. ed. 2014); “Medieval India” (2003, sec. ed. 2018); “History of the East” (2007, sec. ed. 2014); “Southern India: Communal-political structure in 6th – 13th centuries” (2011, sec. ed. 2018); “Historiography of Indian History” (2013, sec. ed. 2018); “The Rural Community: A Novel inserted into history” (2016). Several papers in English were published in India. His are two chapters in the collective monograph “The Cambridge Economic History of India” Vol. 1. (1982). L.B. Alayev was one of the authors and editors-in-chief of collective works such as “History of India in Middle Ages” (1968), “The Typology of social relations in the East in the Middle Ages” (1982); “History of the East” in 6 volumes. The books and papers of Prof. Alayev are used in teaching in MGIMO (U) MID RF, ISAA MGU, P.P. Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky Lipetsk State Pedagogical University and other universities. As a supervisor of studies trained 5 candidates of sciences and 1 doctor of historical sciences
Graduated from Historical Faculty of Moscow State University in 1954; finished post-graduate course at the Institute of Eastern Languages affiliated to Moscow State University in 1958
Publications of 2017:
- Communities, corporations and the State in Medieval South India (6th –13th centuries // Moscow State University: Essays in Indian History and Philology. М. 2017. P.25-53.
- Oriental Despotism: Indian Version // Historical Mosaic of Eurasia. Moscow, 2017.
- Chapter 9. India: Political Process, Political Culture and Political System // Is Non-Western Democracy Possible? A Russian Perspective/ Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pt. Lim., 2017.
- Ritual background of the Jajmani System in Indian Village Community // Vostok, 2017. No. 4.
- Review of “Soviet Russia in struggle for Afghan corridor (1919–1925). Collection of documents” // Vostok, 2018, No. 3.