

IOS RAS » » researcher


09.2010 – 03.2013: National Research University Higher School of Economics, MA Program ‘Political Challenges of the Modernity’. (Diploma with honors). Specialization: Political Science.

09.1999 – 06.2004: Moscow University for the Humanities, Department of International Relations. (Diploma with honors). Specialization: Regional Studies.


  1. Best International Relation Scholar - Russian International Studies Association (RISA) for paper “Asian and African Countries in the United Nations: Soft Power Analysis”.
  2. Winner of the Russian National Competition “The Best Young University Teacher” - Moscow State University, 3rd place in the nomination “Modern Technologies (Methods) of Teaching”.
  3. Best Paper Presented - Institute of Economics at the Russian Academy of Sciences for " Russia and Integration Processes in Asia: Network Analysis of Free Trade Agreements".
  4. Best Paper Presented by a PhD Student – Moscow State University, Institute of Asian and African Studies for “Assessment of Trade Sanctions as an Instrument of Chinese Foreign Policy”.
  5. Blogger of the Month (March 2017) - Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) for the post “The First Month of Trump as Presented by Foreign Policy’s Experts”.
