

PhD in History

IOS RAS » Department of Oriental history » senior researcher

Scientific Interests

History of the Arab countries in the XIX-XX centuries (Liban, Syria)

Main publication:

  1. I.M.Smilyanskaya, N.M.Gorbunova, M.M.Yakushev "Syria before and during the Young Turkish Revolution. 1900-1910 (according to consular reports)


  1. Syria and Lebanon in XIX and early XX century: the first modernization steps from the top.
  2. Lebanon crisis: transformation of the society and the state.
  3. The Russian ship based exibition in the Eastern Mediterranian in the early XX century.
  4. The permanent crisis in Lebanon: the role of the ethnoconfessional factor // Nations and nationalism in the Muslim East. Digest.
  5. Lebanon in the context of the crisis in Syria. Internal and external factors // Actual problems of the modern international relations in Asia and Africa. Digest.
  6. Review of the book E.P.Pir-Budagova "The history of Syria. XX century".
  7. Turkey and Lebanon in the regional relations of the modern period (under print).
