Irina Vladimirovna
PhD in Economics
Scientific Interests
Economic growth in agriculture of the East countries. Models of economic processes in agriculture in the East countries. Comparative analysis of the agriculture in the East and West. Economic and mathematical modeling of agricultural production.
National Research Nuclear University MEPHI
List of main publications
- Rastyannikov V.G., Deriugina I.V. "Bol'shie tsikly' v agrosfere. KhKh vek. Opyt mezhstranovogo sravnitel'no-istoricheskogo analiza M.1997. - 62 s.
- Rastyannikov V.G., Deriugina I.V. Sel'skokhoziaistvennaia dinamika. KhKh vek. Opyt sravnitel'no-istoricheskogo issledovaniia. M. 1999. - 331 s.
- Rastyannikov V.G., Deriugina I.V. Modeli sel'skokhoziaistvennogo rosta v KhKh veke. Indiia, Iaponiia, SShA, Rossiia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan. M. 2004. - 640 s.
- Rastyannikov V.G., Deriugina I.V. Ekonomicheskii rost v agrarnom sektore Rossii. Problemy KhKh veka. M. 2005. - 287 s.
- Rastyannikov V.G., Deriugina I.V. Urozhainost' khlebov v Rossii: 1795–2007. M. 2009. - 192 s.
- Deriugina I.V. Sel'skoe khoziaistvo mira: proshloe i budushchee 1980–2010–2050. M. 2015. - 128 s.
- Rastyannikov V.G., Deriugina I.V. Sel'skoe khoziaistvo: Vostok vs Zapad. Dva tekhnologicheskikh sposoba proizvodstva. M. 2017. - 400 s.
- Akimov A.V., Borisov M.G., Deriugina I.V., Kandalintsev V.G. Strany Vostoka k 2050 gldu: naselenie, energetika, prodovol'stvie, investitsionnyi klimat. M., IV RAN, 2017.