PhD in History
Scientific Interests
History and ethnology of the Arab countries, Islamic studies, modern interfaith and interethnic relations in the countries of the Near and Middle East, migration processes, Muslim diasporas in Europe
Moscow state Institute of international relations (1971)
The Institute of Asia and Africa of Moscow state University.
The Institute of practical Oriental studies
Author of more than 60 articles in the Enciklopediya Krugosvet
List of main publications
- Bibikova Olga. Araby: istoriko-ehtnograficheskie ocherki .[Arabs: Historical and Ethnographic Essays. ]- Moscow, AST: Hranitel', 2008. - 445 р. (Istoricheskaya biblioteka)
- Bibikova Olga. Dekorativno-prikladnoe iskusstvo musul'man [Decorative and Аpplied Аrts of Muslims ]. - Kazan: Izdanie RII. 2010. - 194р. - circulation Unknown УДК ББК
- Bibikova Olga. Immigranty iz musul'manskih stran v Evrope: EHtnokonfessional'nyj i sociokul'turnyj aspekty [ Immigrants from Muslim countries in Europe: Ethnoconfessional and sociocultural aspects. ]. - Moscow .: IV RAN. 2015. - 376р.