IOS RAS » Department of Oriental history » junior researcher
Scientific Interests
The history of medieval China: the Tang dynasty (VII-X centuries AD). Features of the development of law in the Tang period. The influence of traditional principles of law in modern China
Main publication
- Koroleva O.A. From wells to hutuns // "Socio-economic problems and ecology". Supplement to the Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society. M., 2003. P. 10-12.
- Koroleva O.A. The role of religion and the concept of power in the culture of the East // Oriens. № 6, 2005. P. 164-168
- Koroleva O.A. Chinese law is a kind of historiographic material // "Eastern Archive". № 14-15, 2006. P. 45-49.
- Koroleva O.A. The role of social status and privilege in the history of the Tang dynasty // "Society and the State in China". Issue. XXXVI. 2006. P. 36-43.
- Koroleva O.A. Chinese ceremonies // Etiquette. Moscow: The World of Encyclopedias Avanta +Astrel. 2007. P. 166-171.
- The keys to the "Textbook of the Chinese language" (edited by O.A. Koroleva). M., «Oriental Literature» Publisher. 2007. 168 p.
- Koroleva O.A., Ryabinin A.L. In memoriam // "Oriens". No. 2, 2013. P. 216-218.
- Koroleva O.A. The transformation of the concept of «sacred» in the history of ancient China / / The concept of sacred in the traditional East. Moscow, 2017. 576 p., Ill. ISBN 978-5-89282-736-2. P. 524-535.