

IOS RAS » Department of Oriental history » junior researcher

Scientific Interests

The history of medieval China: the Tang dynasty (VII-X centuries AD). Features of the development of law in the Tang period. The influence of traditional principles of law in modern China

Main publication

  1. Koroleva O.A. From wells to hutuns // "Socio-economic problems and ecology". Supplement to the Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society. M., 2003. P. 10-12.
  2. Koroleva O.A.  The role of religion and the concept of power in the culture of the East // Oriens. № 6, 2005. P. 164-168                                                                
  3. Koroleva O.A.  Chinese law is a kind of historiographic material // "Eastern Archive". № 14-15, 2006. P. 45-49.
  4. Koroleva O.A.  The role of social status and privilege in the history of the Tang dynasty // "Society and the State in China". Issue. XXXVI. 2006. P. 36-43.
  5. Koroleva O.A. Chinese ceremonies // Etiquette. Moscow: The World of Encyclopedias Avanta +Astrel. 2007. P. 166-171.
  6. The keys to the "Textbook of the Chinese language" (edited by O.A. Koroleva). M., «Oriental Literature» Publisher. 2007. 168 p.
  7. Koroleva O.A., Ryabinin A.L. In memoriam // "Oriens". No. 2, 2013. P. 216-218.
  8. Koroleva O.A. The transformation of the concept of «sacred» in the history of ancient China / / The concept of sacred in the traditional East. Moscow, 2017. 576 p., Ill. ISBN 978-5-89282-736-2. P. 524-535.
