Robert Grigorievich
Dr. of History, Professor
Scientific Interests
- History of Arab countries
- The modern orient sociology
- Islam in Russia
Totally 567 works were published, including 33 books and 56 artcles in diierent languages (English, German, French and Arabic).
The last publicized monographies:
- Russia and Islam: the road to interacton. M., “Medina”, 2016 340 p. (22,4 Author Sheets – AS)
- History of Jordan. XX century. M., Insttute of Oriental studies RAS, 2016 248 p. (12,2 AS)
- History of Lebanon. XX century. M., Insttute of Oriental studies RAS, 2016 276 p. (14,0 AS)
- History of Arab countries. M. Oriental University- Insttute of Oriental studies RAS, 2017 440 p. (27,5 AS). The second editon (the frst was in 2005).
- Just came: new book one: “History of Tunis. XX century”. 2017
- Just came: new book two: “The past century has not the end”. This book contains memoirs of Robert Landa about 60 years of work in the Insttute of Oriental Studies RAS, in foreign insttutes and also about meetngs with orientalists in Europe, Asia, Africa and America.