
Svyatoslav Aleksandrovich

PhD in History

Scientific Interests

The structure of sengoku daimyo power during the Sengoku period (1467-1590), the image of sengoku daimyo power, ideals of Japanese warriors during Sengoku period, Koyogunkan and history of Takeda clan, Japanese law and judicial system during the Sengoku period, the precepts and moral regulations (kakun) of the sengoku daimyo, sengoku daimyo diplomacy, kokujin ikki and sengoku daimyo, peasants and sengoku daimyo, Muromachi bakufu law and judicial system, Muromachi bakufu administrative and military system, Kamakura-fu and Kamakura kubo

List of main scientific publications

  1. The Law Codes of Sengoku Daimyo: Studies and Translations. Moscow: Krug, 2015 – 648 pages (in Russian with English summary)
  2. Chapter 2. Japan in Medieval Age // History of Japan: Students Textbook for Higher Education Institutes. 2nd edition. Editor: Dmitry Streltsov. Moscow: Aspect-Press, 2018, p. 91–199
  3. Law and Justice In «Koyo Gunkan» // Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, №6, 2018 (in Russian).
  4. Law and Justice in the Litigation of Sengoku Daimyo Court (on the Basis of the Evidence of “Koyo Gunkan”) Part I // Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, №4, 2018 (in Russian).
  5. Law and Justice in the Litigation of Sengoku Daimyo Court (on the Basis of the Evidence of “Koyo Gunkan”) Part II // Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, №5, 2018 (in Russian).
  6. O̅ta Gyu̅ichi. «Shinchō-kō ki». Books I, II. Transl. and comm. by Polkhov S. A. //Journal of the Oriental Studies Institute RAS, 2019. № 4 (in Russian).
  7. O̅ta Gyūichi and his ««Shinchō-kō ki»: Some Results of Studying in Japanese Historical Science // Journal of the Oriental Studies Institute RAS, 2019. № 3 (in Russian).
  8. Teachings of Mori Motonari for the sons: values, ideals and strategy of the sengoku daimyo. Part 1. // Japanese studies in Russia, №1, 2018 (in Russian).
  9. Teachings of Mori Motonari for the sons: values, ideals and strategy of the sengoku daimyo. Part 2. // Japanese studies in Russia, №2, 2018 (in Russian).
  10. The Problem of Authorship and Genesis of “Koyo Gunkan” in Japanese historiography. Part I // Japanese studies in Russia, №1, 2017 (in Russian).
  11. The Problem of Authorship and Genesis of “Koyo Gunkan” in Japanese Historiography. Part II // Japanese Studies in Russia, №2, 2017 (in Russian).
  12. Virtues and Vices of the Japanese Provincial Lord During the Sengoku Period // Yearbook Japan. D. Streltsov Editor. Moscow, 2017 (in Russian).
