

Dr. of Economics

Scientific Interests

Economic and Social Studies in Emerging Markets of the Orient and Transitional Societies of the Postsoviet Eurasia.

List of main publications

  1. The Transitional Economies: Russia, Kazakhstan, China. Moskow, Institute of Oriental Studies, 2016, 140 рp.
  2. Aleksandrov Yu. G. Kazakhstan Before the Barrier of Modernization. Moskow, Institute of Oriental Studies, 2013. 288 рр.
  3. Aleksandrov Yu. G. Can Russia Become a “Euro-Asiatic Tiger”? Moskow, Institute of Oriental Studies, 2007. 480 рр.
  4. Aleksandrov Yu. G. Transitional Economy: The Russian Version. Moskow, Institute of Oriental Studies, 1999. 400 р.
