Dr. of History
IOS RAS » Center for Arab and Islamic Studies » Leading Researcher
Scientific Interests
His main field of research is the modern and contemporary history of the Arab-Muslim world and Muslim communities in Europe, particularly France. Moreover, his works look into the issues of genesis and actions of political Islamic movements. B.V. Dolgov’s field research missions and academic contacts have spanned numerous Middle Eastern and European countries.
Specializes in Arab Studies. He graduated from the Institute of Asia and Africa Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Received his PhD in History with the «Islamist Movement and Socio-Political Development of the Algerian Society in 1970-1990s» thesis. In 2017, he received the Doctor of History degree with the «Genesis of the Islamist Movement in the Common-Historical Dynamic of Tunisia, Algeria and Arab-Muslim Community in France, 1970-2015» Fluent in Arabic, English and French.
B.V. Dolgov participates in the Expert Group for International Anti-Extremist Cooperation affiliated with Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is a member of the Union of Russian Writers and the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society.
B.V.Dolgov is the author of more than 100 academic works including 5 monographs:
Monograph study:
1. «Islamist Challenge and Algerian Society. 1970-2004». Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Israel Studies. M.: 2004, 274 р.
2. «Islamist Challenge of the «Arabic Spring»: Preliminary Sum Totals and Perspectives». Saarbrücken.: 2015, 94 р.
3. «Phenomenon of the «Arabic Spring» 2011-2016: Causes, Development, Perspectives. Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Algeria». Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. M.: LENAND, 2016, 196 р.
4. «Arab-Muslim Community in France. 1980-2016». Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. M.: LENAND, 2017, 158 р.
5. «Islamist Movement in Algeria and Tunisia: 1970-2017 ». Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. M.: LENAND, 2018, 300 р.