
16 – 18 сентября 2024 года

The 3rd International Academic Conference “ART in the EAST and EAST in ARTS III: Beauty and Usus: In Search of Understanding”

The 3rd International Academic Conference “ART in the EAST and EAST in ARTS III: Beauty and Usus: In Search of Understanding” The 3rd International Academic Conference “ART in the EAST and EAST in ARTS III: Beauty and Usus: In Search of Understanding”

Dear Colleagues!
Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, State Museum of Oriental Art, Department for the Humanities Higher School of Economics, Oriental Department of the State Academic University for the Humanities
Invite your participation in the 3rd International Academic Conference

The 3rd conference “AEEA: Beauty and Usus: In Search of Understanding” (2024), as before, will unite museum experts, curating collections of art from Asia and Africa, academic and educational institutions’ researchers, dealing with multiple and diverse topics and different periods in history of art of the East.

This year’s conference will attempt to formulate both the general and more concrete aesthetical principles of beauty, its existence and/or understanding; both ideal (art in all its diversity) and functional (material culture and everyday objects). We encourage the participants to speculate on the perception of the Beautiful VS Utilitarian in the East to determine ways of possible interaction between these categories in Eurasian and African cultures.

The forthcoming Conference is not limited by chronological boundaries: This year we invite speakers to reflect on the formulas that have governed art and material culture, from the Ancient World to the 21st century.

Alongside with the Conference the premises of IOS RAS will host several exhibitions “Belated Flowers”, “From Mali to Nepal: Aesthetics of the Utilitarian” and the youth photo show “The East Within”.

Main topics of AEEA-III will be as follows:

  1. The understanding of beauty in Eastern cultures
  2. Transfer of beauty and functionality principles in Africa and Eurasia
  3. Utilitarianism in the aesthetic theories of the East
  4. Deconstruction of the city: Aesthetics of contents — the world of things, the world of ideas
  5. Lost in Translation: Art of the East in the museum space
  6. Iconography: Interaction of aesthetic and functional components
  7. Special topic: Eternal images of beauty (women, flowers, birds) in Eastern and Western transcriptions

We will also hold traditional special panels

  • Performative and Time-Sensitive Arts
  • Art as a Historical Source
  • The Past in the Present: Pressing Matters

The Conference Program will be formed based on the selected applications by September 1, 2024.

General information and Conference publications

The 3rd Conference “The Art of the East and the East in Art” will be held in offline/online format on September 16–18, 2024 at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the following address: Moscow, 12, Rozhdestvenka st.

Please register applications for participation and abstracts of your talks (from 5 to 10 thousand characters) at:

Application deadline: June 30, 2024.

Our e-mail:

Based on the results of the proceedings, we will publish selected papers in the “Oriental Courier” academic journal (if you wish to entertain such idea you should send completed article through the Organizing Committee e-mail before August 1, 2024). Guide for authors can be found here: 

Travel, accommodation and travel expenses are paid by the sending party. 

The 3rd International Academic Conference “ART in the EAST and EAST in ARTS III: Beauty and Usus: In Search of Understanding”

Sincerely on behalf of the Organizing Committee of IVVI-III

Prof. Dinara V. Dubrovskaya, Dr Habil. (History), Head of the Department of Art and Material Culture, IOS RAS, GAUGN

Ass. Prof. Sofya A. Zinchenko, Ph.D. (Art History), HSE University

Natalia V. Safonova, Ph.D. (History), executive secretary of AEEA-III, IOS RAS

Information letter