Friday 19 February 2021
The Presentation of the Journal “Vostochniy Kurier”

The presentation of the magazine "Vostochniy Kurier" took place at the Institute of Oriental Studies on February the 19th, 2021.
The following people attended the official part of the presentation: Alikber Alikberov, the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Yevgenia Kuznetsova, the Deputy Dean of the Oriental Studies Faculty of the GAUGN, Dinara Dubrovskaya, editor-in-chief of the journal “Vostochniy Kurier”, associate professor of GAUGN, Lana Ravandi-Fadai, the senior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies, the associate professor of the Russian State University of the Humanities, the indologist and translator from Punjabi, Anna Bochkovskaya, the associate professor of the Institute of Asia and Africa of the Moscow State University, as well as the editorial members of the journal “Vostochniy Kurier”- Anastasia Vasilenko, Maria Terekhova, Marina Starodubtseva. The event was also attended by more than thirty guests, the representatives of the department of scientific publications of GAUGN: Milana Sidorenko (GAU), Alexander Zheleznov, Boris Yablokov, the Head of Gaugn-Press, Anton Zakharov, the former deputy of editor-in-chief of the magazine "Vostok" and the author of "VK", Archil Balakhvantsev, the current deputy editor-in-chief of "Vostok". The famous scientists, art historians, and archaeologists were also present at the meeting: V. Golovachev, A. Yakovlev, P. Kutsenkov, D. Mikulskiy, A. Malashenko, E. Vanina, D. Maryasis, V. Prudnikov, A. Guseva, L. Masiel-Sanchez, M. Lebedev, T. Anikeeva.
Kuznetsova spoke on the idea of creating a journal that would differ from the usual scientific periodicals and would integrate science and education. A. Alikberov shared his views on the need of a new journel type in our time and talked of preparing interviews experience for “Vostochniy Kurier”.
Ravandi-Fadai spoke about the Russian architect Markov, who decorated Tehran, the capital of Iran. A. Bochkovskaya shared her thoughts on translations of Punjabi prose that had not been done in Russia since the 70’s of the 20th century. The translations were published for the first time in these journals of the Institute of Oriental Studies and GAUGN: "The Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental Studies” and "Vostochniy Kurier".
The magazine "Vostochniy Kurier" was founded in January 2019 by joint efforts of the GAUGN Faculty of Oriental Studies and the Institute of Oriental Studies. The edition is being published four times a year in two double issues.