Thursday 21 December 2023
International Conference “Understanding Each Other: Arabic-Russian and Russian-Arabic Literary Translations”

On December 21, 2023, the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Center, the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, the Higher School of Economics (HSE) University and the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in the Russian Federation held an international conference “On the Path of Mutual Understanding: Arabic-Russian and Russian-Arabic Literary Translations” within the framework of the “Arabian Days” Festival in Moscow.
The conference was attended by renowned Russian authors – Shamil Idiatullin (writer, journalist, double winner of the “Big Book” literary prize), Ekaterina Zvontsova (writer, editor, literary skills teacher), Ksenia Burzhskaya (writer, poet, journalist, artificial intelligence trainer), as well as lecturers, translators, scholars – Dr. Vasily Kuznetsov (Deputy Director/Head of the Center of Arab and Islamic Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies RAS), Dr. Christina Osipova (Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Philology, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University), Prof. Leonid Kogan (Deputy Director, Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, HSE University; Leading Research Fellow, Center of Arab and Islamic Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies RAS), Dr. Elena Gimon (Senior Lecturer, School of Asian Studies, HSE University; translator of books by Mahmoud Shukair, Naguib Mahfouz, Doha Assy), Dr. Ekaterina Koloskova (Lecturer, Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, HSE University), Rami El Kaliubi (journalist, translator; Visiting Lecturer, School of Asian Studies, HSE University), Dr. Alexander Kostyrkin (Senior Research Fellow, Department of Asian and African Languages, Institute of Oriental Studies RAS).
The Emirati side was represented by Dr Berlant Qabeel (Head of the Programmes Section, Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Center), Dr Abdallah Abu Shmaes (Head of the Acting Language Research and Studies Unit, Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre), Hind Khlaifat (journalist; founder, AloCloud Agency; Director, Deraya Speakers).
The opening session included addresses and speeches by the President of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Full Member of RAS Prof. Vitaly Naumkin, Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Center, Secretary General of the Sheikh Zayed Book Prize HE Dr Ali bin Tamim, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at HSE University Prof. Felix Azhimov, Head of the Institute of Cultures and Ancient Classical Era at HSE University Prof. Denis Volkov and Head of the Department of Political Affairs at the UAE Embassy in Russia Mr. Mohamed Rashed Almansoori.
The Conference included four sessions that were dedicated to a wide array of issues, from the peculiarities of fantasy and science fiction genres in Russian and Arabic literary landscapes, the place of fundamental “great novels” in them, to the role of artificial intelligence in literary translation and development of Arabic-Russian and Russian-Arabic translation in general.
In conclusion, all participants agreed that the cultures of Russia and the Arab world, including the UAE, strive for interaction and need active mutual exchange.
The Conference ended in a marvelous concert by renowned Emirati musicians; moreover, H.E. Dr. Ali bin Tamim announced an international competition in Russian-Arabic and Arabic-Russian literary translation.