
Wednesday 5 June 2024

Presentation of the monograph by Semenova N.K. “Seaports of China: current state and development prospects”

Presentation of the monograph by Semenova N.K. “Seaports of China: current state and development prospects” Presentation of the monograph by Semenova N.K. “Seaports of China: current state and development prospects”

The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, with the support of the Gorki-Leninskie Museum-Reserve, held a presentation of the monograph by Semenova N.K. “Seaports of China: current state and development prospects”

The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, with the support of the State Historical Museum-Reserve "Gorki-Leninskie", held a presentation of the monograph by Semenova N.K. “Seaports of China: current state and development prospects.” For the first time, a scientific and educational event was held at the Gorki-Leninskie Museum-Reserve under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which symbolically unites cultural and scientific figures in Russia and can become a new area of ​​interaction in the cultural and educational sphere.

The presentation took place on June 5, 2024 at the Scientific and Cultural Center “Museum of V.I. Lenin", on the territory of the Gorki-Leninskie Museum-Reserve, a picturesque corner of the Moscow region, a remarkable historical place dating back to the 10th century AD. The meeting program is compiled from the official parts and cultural events.

The presentation was attended by representatives of the Chinese Embassy in Russia - Second Secretary of the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation, Mr. Liu Yang and Attaché of the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation, Ms. Qiu Ye.

Representatives of academic and research institutions were also present at the events. The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IV RAS) introduced the author of the presented monograph, Ph.D., Senior Researcher. IV RAS N.K. Semenova, Ph.D., senior researcher IV RAS L.B. Aristova, Ph.D., senior researcher IV RAS I.N. Serenko, Ph.D., Researcher IV RAS I.V. Fedulov and L.-I. IV RAS A.V. Abrosimov. From the Institute of China and Modern Asia RAS (ICSA RAS) at the presentation Advisor to the Director of ICSA RAS V.F. Potapenko and junior researcher ICS RAS Yu.A. Mamaeva. FAU "ROSDORNII" acted as Deputy Head of the Information Support Department A.V. Nesvetailov.

The President of the Eurasian Innovation Transport Center, Ph.D. in Economics, took an active part in the presentations. S.S. Goncharenko. The presentation was also attended by the representative office of the Directorate of International Transport Corridors under the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, namely employees of the Department of International Communications and Logistics of MTK E.A. Ippolitova, Ya.P. Subbotin and A. Grigorichev.

Representatives of leading domestic media, as well as guests and presentations - General Director of the Publishing House "World of News" A.V. Avdonin, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the visual editorial office of the Russian newspaper A.E. Malinina, I.O. Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper “Eurasia Vesti” I.M. Silver.

Among the guests there are also representatives of the domestic industry - Advisor to the General Director of Severstal Management JSC A.P. Egorushkov and Advisor to the General Director of PJSC Severstal V.A. Pavlov.

Among the participants in the presentations were representatives of student art - student of the Chinese branch of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​​​of MPGU A.M. Prokhorov and RUT (MIIT) student V.I. Serebryany, as well as employees of the Gorki-Leninsky Museum-Reserve and other guests.

 The Director of the Gorki-Leninskie Museum-Reserve, Evgeniy Gennadievich Saramud, delivered a welcoming speech to the participants of the event, who, in particular, said: “We pay special attention to cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences and the People’s Republic of China; such connections are a new point of growth in scientific, tourist and educational interaction.” . E.G. Saramud warmly thanked the Chinese Embassy in Russia for the trip organized in May 2024 to the Chinese provinces of Guangdong and Fujian, thanks to which we learned better about the successes of the Chinese people. This trip brought together the participants, which opened up the possibility of holding today's event. “I always admire people of science; it seems to me that these are people with a certain calling. I always want to help people who do their work responsibly and well,” noted Evgeniy Saramud at the conclusion of his speech.

Second Secretary of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Russian Federation, Mr. Liu Yang, in his welcoming speech, in particular, said: “Good afternoon, friends! On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in Russia, I express congratulations to Mrs. Nellie Kimovna Semenova, the author of the monograph “Sea Ports of China: Current State and Development Prospects,” on her successful presentation and express gratitude to the leaders and colleagues of the Gorki-Leninskie Museum-Reserve for the warm invitation to today’s presentation.

«As you know, books about the study of regional studies, history, politics, and economic culture between China and Russia play an important role in the process of acquaintance and understanding of each other by the peoples of the two countries. Both during the Soviet Union and during modern Russia, a generation of Chinese academic specialists translated books on various topics about Russia into Chinese, deeply studied various fields and wrote their monographs about Russia so that more Chinese people would become acquainted with this Great Country».

«For its part, Russia also has its own numerous sinologists who carefully study modern China. And today it is you, dear Nelly Kimovna, who are showing us a very good example regarding the topic of Chinese seaports. And although this is only one of the various areas of study of modern China, I can say that it is the most important because it is these Chinese seaports that play a critical role in the implementation of the policy of reform and opening up. They are the engines of China's economic development and rise both in those years and today. They are of key importance not only in an economic sense. I think that the monograph today is important not only for Russian readers, but also for us, those who speak both languages. We can, on the other hand, understand our Fatherland again. Worth reading carefully."

At the conclusion of his speech, Mr. Liu Yang said: “Thanks to the serious work of Russian sinologists and their monographs, the Russian people will have a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of China. And, against the backdrop of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia and the cross cultural years of the two countries, events such as today will be brighter! Taking this opportunity, I would like to once again express my sincere respect and gratitude to the specialists and organizers for what you have done and are doing to strengthen Chinese-Russian friendship! Thank you!".

On behalf of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D., senior researcher made a welcoming speech. Institute of Oriental Studies RAS Semenova N.K., who thanked the Gorki-Leninskie Museum-Reserve for the warm welcome and assistance in the excellent organization of the presentation of the monograph “Sea Ports of China: Current State and Development Prospects.”

Then Semenova N.K. introduced the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences to the guests of the event, as the oldest and largest world-class research institute on oriental topics. Listeners learned about the wide geographical and temporal scope of research at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, about the structure of scientific centers, departments and laboratories of the institute, about scientific publications: journals, collections, yearbooks, unique monographs that reflect scientific research conducted at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Separately, N.K. Semenova focused on a new direction of work at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, namely digital oriental studies. The topic of scientific events and archaeological, ethnographic, etc. was also touched upon. expeditions of the institute’s staff, in Russia and abroad. Semenova N.K. noted the important role of the Institute of Oriental Studies in training highly qualified specialists in oriental studies.

In conclusion, Semenova N.K. expressed deep gratitude to the Chinese Embassy in Russia and personally to the attache of the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation, Ms. Qiu Ye, for the opportunity to travel to the PRC as part of representatives of the Russian media in May 2024, for the high level of organization of the trip, which showed China’s successes in economic and social development and left a lasting impression. “It was especially pleasant and informative that the trip route coincided with the region of my scientific research. I was able to see in reality the positive impact of the PRC port system on the economic development of the provinces of Guangdong and Fujian,” the author noted.

Then there was a discussion of N.K. Semenova’s monograph. “Seaports of China: current state and development prospects.” The President of the Eurasian Innovation Transport Center, Ph.D., expressed his opinion. Stanislav Stepanovich Goncharenko: “Today we are present at the presentation of the scientific work of Nelly Kimovna Semenova and I can say that this scientific work is a vivid example of the circulation of development strategies of our two countries”.

Then the speaker in his speech noted the magnificent Chinese inventions with which China has enriched the world: paper, compass, silk, etc. Also, Goncharenko S.S. analyzed the historical challenges the Chinese people went through in connection with the colonial attempts of Western countries, how the Soviet Union and China, hand in hand, built a socialist society, and the unique strategy for building a socialist economy in China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. “It is very important that we have gathered here, where there is a memory of the great Lenin,” the speaker noted.

“This monograph is extremely relevant now at this difficult historical moment. China began to develop its economy through water spaces. He who owns the sea owns the world. The book is unique, the author is immersed in this topic, and I believe that the author is a leading specialist at the institute and the leading expert in the country on this topic. The monograph provided a cross-section of regional, technological, and economic research, presenting the ports of individual regions, with knowledge and subtleties, the characteristics of each group of Chinese ports. In addition, the uniqueness of the technological development of China's port industry is highlighted. It's simply unique! And here is the great merit of managing the country and this industry under the leadership of the CPC. I can say that China, without access to the ocean, could hardly develop so quickly. But now there will be restrictions. It is necessary to develop not only the economic, but also the military fleet. And in this Russia and China are united! Western politicians were afraid of the economic and political unity of Russia and China because this unity was becoming the economic center of the world.

China has made an absolutely right move - in addition to ports, it is developing its own shipping sector, its own shipping lines - unique sea routes. China has become the leader of the maritime space!

And now the situation is complicated by the fact that the united West is opposing China and Russia. To successfully resist this bloc, to prevent anyone from approaching its borders, and to defend its territorial integrity, just as China defends its territorial value in relation to Taiwan, we need to join forces. From this point of view, Nelly Kimovna’s work is very timely and gives a wonderful start to our joint work with our Chinese comrades in the transport sector. And not only in water transport, but also in railway and road transport. China's achievements in technological design and construction of highways are also unique! He took the experience of other countries and added his own capacious part. And now these are unique opportunities!

At this stage, I believe that it would be advisable to create a Eurasian shipping line on the basis of BRICS, where the leaders are Russia, China, and India, which would cover not only the Southern Sea Route, but also the Northern Sea Route. Then this line could operate year-round for the benefit of all friendly countries. In addition, as soon as we reach the ocean, we will cover Africa with this route, both from the west and from the east, and even more so from the south. Then we expand to Latin America and the Caribbean. This is what the unity of Russia and China in the maritime space is all about! This book contains demands on us and the example of China.

Moreover, the book can be used very widely. Firstly, it is a scientific basis for further research by our transport workers, economists, logisticians, etc. In addition, it is necessary in teaching. All universities in our country, economic and transport, must have this book. Many thanks to the author!” S.S. concluded his speech. Goncharenko.

Next, the author of the monograph N.K. spoke. Semenova: “Dear friends! Allow me to present the monograph “Sea Ports of China: Current State and Development Prospects,” which reveals one of the secrets of the Chinese “economic miracle.” The development of China's port industry is closely related to the development of the country's economy and the reform of the national economic system. Ports are of great importance to a nation because they promote wealth and trade. The relevance of the study is due to the unique experience of the PRC in the field of building interconnected transport structures, the key connecting objects of which are ports”.

“The significant transformations currently taking place in the global maritime system increase the relevance of this monograph and reinforce the need for theoretical practical research devoted to the optimization of transport, including port projects, to build a new model of the global maritime industry, new logistics routes taking into account the new geopolitics. The relevance of the work is also due to the high potential of the Russian-Chinese partnership in the port sector that has not yet been fully revealed. I would like to draw your special attention to the fact that this is the first post-Soviet full-scale domestic work on this topic. The monograph contains more than 250 units of illustrative material: the author’s maps, tables, diagrams, drawings, etc.,” said the author, and then reported how the work on the monograph proceeded.

The author of the monograph is Semenov N.K. invited the guests of the event to ask questions that interested them. Employee of the International Cooperation and Logistics Department of MTK E.A. Ippolitova asked what sources the author used when writing the monograph. President of the Eurasian Innovation Transport Center, Ph.D. S.S. Goncharenko clarified the author’s plans for the future, Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper “Eurasia Vesti” I.M. Serebryany asked a question about investment support for Chinese port projects. I.N. Serenko, Ph.D., senior researcher Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, inquired about plans for translating the monograph into other languages ​​to more fully cover the readership. To all questions N.K. Semenova answered in detail, especially noting that domestic scientists are interested in working together with colleagues from China, but the mechanisms for this cooperation have not yet been sufficiently developed.

The culmination of the event was the solemn presentation of the monograph “Sea Ports of China: Current State and Development Prospects” to representatives of the Chinese Embassy in Russia, the Second Secretary of the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation, Mr. Liu Yang, and the Attaché of the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation, Ms. Qiu Ye.

At the end of the official part of the event, the author signed dedicatory inscriptions on copies of the guests’ monograph.

During the break, guests of the event were offered a festive buffet, during which an exhibition and sale of the presented monograph was held in the foyer.

In the second part of the program, the hospitable hosts of the Gorki-Leninskie Museum-Reserve conducted a sightseeing tour of the reserve and a tour of the exhibition of the Gorki-Leninskie estate.

The event was accompanied by photo and video filming. For guests of the event, the Gorki-Leninskie Museum-Reserve organized a transfer to Moscow Domodedovskaya. The event was organized at a very high level.

The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences expresses its deep gratitude to the entire team of the Gorki-Leninskiye Museum-Reserve and personally to Director Evgeniy Saramud for their help in organizing the event.

Scientific and Cultural Center V.I. Lenin Museum on the territory of the Gorki-Leninskie Museum-Reserve

Presentation by Evgeny Gennadievich Saramud, Director of the Gorki-Leninskie Museum-Reserve at the presentation
Speech by the Second Secretary of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Liu Yang, at the presentation
Speech by the Second Secretary of the Embassy of the PRC
Speech by the Second Secretary of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Liu Yang, at the presentation
Solemn presentation of the monograph to the Second Secretary of the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation, Mr. Liu Yang, and the Attache of the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation, Ms. Qiu Ye.
Solemn presentation of the monograph to the Second Secretary of the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation
Solemn presentation of the monograph to the Second Secretary of the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation, Mr. Liu Yang, and the Attache of the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation, Ms. Qiu Ye.
On behalf of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a welcoming speech was made by N.K. Semenova, Ph.D., Senior Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Welcoming speech by N.K. Semenova
On behalf of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a welcoming speech was made by N.K. Semenova, Ph.D., Senior Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Speech by Stanislav Stepanovich Goncharenko, President of the Eurasian Innovative Transport Center, Ph.D. in Economics, at the presentation
Speech by Stanislav Stepanovich Goncharenko
Speech by Stanislav Stepanovich Goncharenko, President of the Eurasian Innovative Transport Center, Ph.D. in Economics, at the presentation
The author about the book. Speech by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Semenova N.K. at the presentation
The author about the book
The author about the book. Speech by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Semenova N.K. at the presentation

Guests of the event
Ceremonial presentation of the monograph (from left to right): Deputy Head of the Information Support Department of the FAU
Ceremonial presentation of the monograph
Ceremonial presentation of the monograph (from left to right): Deputy Head of the Information Support Department of the FAU "ROSDORNII" Alexander Nesvetailov, Attaché of the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation to Mrs. Qiu Ye, expert of the Department of International Cooperation and logistics of international transport corridors under the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Director of the Gorki-Leninskie Museum-Reserve Evgeniy Saramuda, author of the monograph - Ph.D., senior researcher. IV RAS Nelly Semenova