Orientalistica Journal

«Orientalistica» «Orientalistica» Orientalistica is an international peer-reviewed academic periodical covering a vast variety of issues of the Oriental Studies. The journal is dedicated to the classical history of regions and nations of the East from Northwestern Africa to Pacific Islands. The periodical, founded in 2018, the year of the Institute’s 200th anniversary, is supported by our partners – The Hermitage Museum, the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts and the State Museum of Oriental Art. It provides Russian and foreign researchers with opportunity to publish their works, discuss the results of their work on various literary sources, materials of field research, objects of spiritual and cultural heritage.

Published quarterly since 2018.

ISSN 2618-7043


Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS
12, Rozhdestvenka st., Moscow
Web page:
Tel.: +7 (495) 928-93-14, +7 (495) 928-93-14

Editor in Chief

Valery Androsov – Doctor of History, Professor, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS, Moscow

International Editorial Council

Mikhail Piotrovsky – Co-Chairperson; Doctor of History, Academician of RAS, Director of the Hermitage Museum, Saint-Petersburg;

Irina Popova – Co-Chairperson; Doctor of History, Professor, Director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of RAS, Saint-Petersburg;

Alexander Sedov–  Co-Chairperson; Doctor of History, Director of the State Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow

Vladimir Alpatov– Doctor of Philology, Professor, Associate Member of RAS, Institute of Linguistics/Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow

Bordzhigiin Bayarmend – Ph.D. (Ling.), Professor, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China

Daniel Beronski – Ph.D., Professor, Institute of Southeast and Central Asia, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Sebastian Paul Brock – Ph. D., University of Oxford, UK

Dorzhsuren Burnee – Ph. D. (Ling.), Prof., Mongolian State University, Ulan-Bator, Mongolia

Sampildendev Chuluun– Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, Institute of History and Archaeology of Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Bator, Mongolia.

Theodore Ifamar – Ph.D., Professor, University of Haifa, Israel

Karenina Kollmar-Paulenz – Ph. D. (Hist.), Professor, Institute for the Study of Religion, University of Berne, Switzerland

Rembert Lutjeharms – Ph. D. (Teol.), Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, Oxford University, UK

Takashi Matsukawa – Ph.D., Professor, Otani University, Kyoto, Japan

Vesna A. Wallace – Ph. D. (Hist.), Professor, Berkeley University of California, USA

Editorial Board

Alikber Alikberov – Ph.D. (Hist.), Chairperson, Deputy Editor in Chief, Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow

Andrey Desnitsky – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Deputy Editor in Chief, Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow

Apollinari aAvrutina – Ph.D. (Philology), Saint-Petersburg State University

Irina Glushkova – Doctor of History, Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow

Shamil Kashaf– Ph.D., Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow\Kazan Federal University

Alexey Khismatulin – Ph.D. (Hist.), Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of RAS, Saint-Petersburg

Anna Kovalets – Ph.D. (Philology), State Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow

Dmitry Mikulsky– Doctor of History, Professor, Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow

Vladimir Nastich – Ph.D. (Hist.), Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow

Viktor Nemchinov – Ph.D. (Hist.), Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow

Natalya Prigarina – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow

Nikolay Serikov – Ph.D. (Hist.), Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow

Shamil Shikhaliev–  Ph.D. (Hist.), Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography, Dagestan Research Center of RAS, Makhachkala

Ayrat Sitdikov– Doctor of History, Professor, A. Khalikov Institute of Archaeology of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan\Kazan Federal University

Surun-Khanda Syrtypova – Doctor of History, Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow

Lola Taneeva-Salomatshaeva – Doctor of Philology, Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow
