

PhD in Economics

IOS RAS » Center for Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania » Leading Researcher

Scientific Interests

She is an expert of the Russian International Affairs Council and the ASEAN Centre at MGIMO-University.
Sphere of scientific interests at the moment − political and socio-economic development, the situation of religious and ethno-confessional relations in Myanmar (Burma).


She graduated from the Burmese Department of the Oriental faculty of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) University, and interned for one year at Rangoon University (Burma).

Author of over 100 scientific papers, including monographs: Burma: foreign economic relations (Moscow, Nauka, 1979); Oil and gas in South-East Asia (Moscow, Nauka, 1984); Myanmar: the transition to a market economy (1988-2011) Moscow, IV RAS, 2012; The Electoral system and electoral processes in the countries of Indo-China at the present stage (Moscow, 2016, co-authored with N. N. Bektimirova, I. N. Lipilina). As well as chapters and sections in collective monographs and textbooks for Moscow State University (MSU) and MGIMO University: The elites of the East (Moscow, MSU, Kluch-C, 2011); Christianity in South and East Asia: History and Modernity (Moscow, MSU, Kluch-C, 2016); The history of countries of Asia and Africa after the Second World War. Textbook for undergraduate (Moscow, MGIMO University, Yurayt, 2016)
