

PhD in History, Dr. of History

IOS RAS » Center for Arab and Islamic Studies » Leading Researcher

Papers of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS » Editorial Colleague of Serie

Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS » Editorial Colleague

Scientific Interests

Engages in the study of religious communities and inter-confessional relations in the Middle East.


He graduated Orthodox St. Tikhon Theological Institute (Moscow),

Author of scientific articles on the history and socio-political issues in Lebanon and Syria; participated in many international forums on Middle East issues. He is an expert of the Russian International Affairs Council and Discussion Club “Valdai”. Author of books: At Home, Abroad: Migration of Syrian and Lebanese Christians (second half of XIX – the first half of the XXth century.) (M., IOS RAS, 2012); Maronites: tradition, history, politics (M., IOS RAS, 2013, co-author with Mikhail Rodionov); Middle Eastern Christians: yesterday, today… tomorrow? (M., IOS RAS, 2017).
