Bella Borisovna
Dr. of History
Scientific Interests
History of Korea, the history of Korea's foreign policy; diplomatic history of Russian-Korean relations; policy of Powers towards Korea in early XIX - early XX centuries; History of the Korean diaspora in Russia; History of the Korean national liberation movement, Russia's relations with Eastern countries, the socio-economic processes in the countries of the East on the various stages of the history of Korea.
Enrollment at Irkutsk State University as a history major Graduation summa cum laude and enrollment in the history graduate program at Leningrad (now – St. Petersburg) State University.
Completion of M.A. and admission to the Ph.D. Program in Russian/Soviet History at St. Petersburg State University.
Graduation from Korean Language Institute at Yonsey University (Seoul, Republic of Korea).06.1996. Studying at Japan Foundation Kansai Institute of Japanese language in Japan. October 4, 2000-June 23, 2001.
Visiting professor and research scholar at the Korea University, «Brain Korea21 The Educational and Research Group for Korean Studies» Institute of Korean studies, College of Liberal Arts, Graduate school. Seoul (Republic of Korea). September 2005-February 2006.
Carrying out of the seminars:
National Historical Compilation Committee in Seoul (Republic of Korea). October 2001.
Khirosima Women’s University (Japan). April 2001.
University of California,Fresno (United States, 2004),
Seoul National University (2007, 2014),
Sungkyunkwan University (2005, 2014)
Koryo University (2005-2006,2014).
Participation in the International Seminar "Korean History and Culture", organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Russia and the Cultural Center of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea. With the participation of the Astrakhan Society of Koreans and the Astrakhan State University. Paper "The main stages of historical development and the peculiarities of Korean civilization". G. Astrakhan. 10/27/2016.
Participation in the International Seminar "Korean History and Culture", organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Russia and the Cultural Center of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea with the participation of the Krasnodar Society of Koreans and the Kuban State University.
Delivered a paper "The main stages of historical development and the peculiarities of Korean civilization." 18-19.05.2017, Krasnodar, Center for National Cultures.
Participation in the international seminar "Korean history and culture", organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Russia and the Cultural Center of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea with the participation of the Orenburg Society of Koreans and Orenburg State University.
Delivered a paper "Opening of Korea and the origin of Russian-Korean relations". Date and place of the meeting: 30-31.10.2017, Orenburg, Library named after. N.K. Krupskaya.
Membership in leading scientific communities:
Chair of the Association of the diplomatic history of Russian-Korean relations. 2013-present.Expert of the Russian Council for International Affairs (INFC (RUSSIAN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL)).
All-Russian Society of Orientalists,
The Society for the Study of Contemporary History of Korea,
Asian Studies Association (USA),
Korean Association of Political Science,
Korean Association of Political and Diplomatic History.
Participation in editorial boards of leading scientific publications:
Head of the editorial board of a series of monographs «Russian Koreans» 2011- present.Member of the editorial board of the newsletter "Unity".
Membership in dissertational councils, foreign scientific institutions, expert councils and other types of professional activity:
Deputy chief of the Dissertation Council D.002.042.04 of the Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences in historical and political science disciplines. 2014-present.
Chair of the State Examination Commission in the specialty 031 900 «International Relations» in the Oriental University.
Consultant and member of National Historical Compilation Committee (Republic of Korea). 2000-2002, 2010-2015.
Member of the Academic Council of the Society of descendants of the fighters for the independence of Korea
Chief, Science and Education Council of the All-Russian Association of Koreans. Consultant and member of the National Archives of the Republic of Korea
Expert Russian Academy of Sciences
Expert of the Fulbright program (USA).
Member of the Coordinating Council on the organization and conduct of major social and political action "Express Russian-Korean friendship" dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Korea, organized by the Government and the business community of the Republic of Korea with the support of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Communications of Russia July 2002 .
Consultant to Korean Embassy in Moscow concerning history of the First Korean Diplomatic Mission in Imperial Russia and the search for the place of burial of the first Korean Ambassador to Russia Lee Bomjin for installation of a monument in the Severnoe Cemetery (St. Petersburg). March –August 2002.
The director of the organizing committee of the International Symposium in St. Petersburg for the 150th anniversary of the birth of the first Korean Ambassador to Russia Lee Bomjin, conducted by Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry and the St. Petersburg State University. 2001-2002.
- Medal for the preservation of historical memory. Awarded by the East Siberian Academy of Education, Irkutsk. April 2013.
- Diploma of the Russian Ministry of Culture for outstanding contribution to the activities of public organizations aimed at preserving and developing the culture of Russian Koreans, the achievement of international peace and accord in Russian society. 2012.
- Pak Boris Dmitrievich . Moscow: IEAS RAS, 2017. Ed. Vanin Yu.V., Pak B.B. - 500 p .: ill. - Series of monographs «Russian Koreans». ISBN 978-5-89282-769-0.
- Nam Manchun (Nam Pavel Nikiforovich)/ Ed. Pak B.B. / Series of monographs «Russian Koreans». Moscow: IEAS RAS, 2017. With ill.: 48 p. 512 p. ISBN 978-5-89282-768-3.
- Korean diplomatic mission in the Russian Empire in 1901-1905. To the question of the exact location. Moscow: IEAS RAS, 2017. - 92 p .: il. ISBN 978-5-89282-778-2
- Georgii Fedorovich Kim. Deputy chief editor, author of the article. Series "Russian Koreans". Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, 07.2015.
- Russian diplomat Karl I. Waeber and Korea. Series «Russian diplomats in the countries of the East». Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences (IV RAN), 2013. 409 p.
- Russian Koreans in the struggle for the independence of Korea. Photographic portraits. Book 2. 150th anniversary of the voluntary resettlement of Koreans in Russia. Moscow: IVRAN. Russian Association "Descendants of fighters for the independence of Korea", "Organization for Development Cooperation with overseas Koreans in the field of culture and agriculture." Ed. Foreword. Russia, the Republic of Korea. Publisher "Kvanak" 2013. 157p. Russian., Korean. lang.
- Ahn Junggeun - National Hero of Korea. Essays, Documents, Materials. In coauthorship with B.D. Pak. Moscow, 2012. 577 p.
- Catalogue of Documents on Korean History and History of Russo-Korean relations in the End of 19th and Early 20thCentury. Russian State Historical Archives in St. Petersburg. Vol.1. Ed., foreword and comments. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2010. 370 p.
- The first news about Korea in Russia (1675-1884). Moscow, 2010. Series "The Russian Korean studies in the past and the present." T.VII. Comp. by Y. Vanin, B.D. Pak, B.B. Pak. Ed. with an Introduction by Y. Vanin. Moscow: IVRAN, Regional Public Organization "March1st", 2010.
- Alexandra Petrovna Kim-Stankevich. Biographical Materials and Documents. Moscow, In-te of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, 2008. Coed. with B.D.Pak and Yu.V.Vanin.
- Koreans in the USSR. Moscow: In-te of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, 2004. Coed. with B.D.Pak and Yu.V.Vanin.
- Russian Diplomacy and Korea. 1888-1897. Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences (IV RAN). 2004. 272 p.
- Russian Diplomacy and Korea. 1860-1888. Moscow, -Irkutsk - St.Petersburg. 1998. 265 p.
- 1937: Russian Koreans. Primorye-Central Asia-Stalingrad. Deportation. Materials of the scientific conference "60 years of deportation of Koreans from the Far East to Kazakhstan and Central Asia (Moscow, 1997). Digest of articles. Editor. M., 2004.
- The Construction of the Amur railway.1891-1916. Irkutsk: Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute - St.Petersburg. 1995. 132 p.
- Archive sources about the mission of Ito Hirobumi in St. Petersburg // Bulletin of the RSUH. Series "Documentology and Archival Studies. Computer science. Information security and information security. " -2017, 4 (10). Pp. 87-100.
- Prince Alexei Borisovich Lobanov-Rostovsky and the strengthening of Russia's role in the Far East / / International life. 2017, October. C.125-139.
- To the 85th anniversary of Yuri Vasilyevich Vanin// Edinstvo (Unity). Monthly newsmagazine. Issue: 9/179, September 2015. Publisher: Korean International Association "Unity". Rеgistration No 014719. P.22-27.
- Activities of the Russian diplomat K. I. Waeber in Korea during the establishment of Russo-Korean Relations as reflected in Russian sources,)// 동북아연구. 제29권 2호 (Том 39, Вып.2), Seoul, 2014.
- 박 보리스 생애와 한국학 (Boris D. Pak and His Contribution to Korean Studies) //한국학 연구 (The Journal of Korean Studies). № 29. - Feb. 2013. - P.237- 270. Korean language. Abstract in English. P. 266-170.
- 쿠릴열도를 둘러싼 러시아와 일본간의 영토분쟁. 독도연구 Dokdo Research. Vol.- No.13 [2012] 167-192 (26). Korean. 영남대학교 독도연구소. Dokdo Institute of Yeungnam University
- Late 19th century: Russian policy towards Korea during Korean king Kojong’s stay in the Russian mission. To the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Republic of Korea )// "New Eastern outlook"(http://journal-neo.com). 9-10.10. 2010.
- Russian-Korean relations and Lee Bomjin before and during the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905. / / Bulletin of the Center for Korean language and culture. Issue 13. Publisher University of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 2011. P. 11-25.
- Boris D. Pak - the Founder of studying the history of Russian-Korean relations. The 80th anniversary / / Bulletin of the Center for Korean language and culture. Issue 13. Publisher University of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 2011.P. 48-61.
- March First Movement 1919 in Korea // Unity (Edinstvo). Monthly newsmagazine. № 2-3, February-March, 2009.
- International Conference "Peace in Northeast Asia and the Korean-Mongolian relations in XXI century" (Ulan Bator, July 10-11, 2008) / // Unity (Edinstvo). Monthly newsmagazine. № 8-9, August-September, 2008.
- Life - a revolutionary dead of internatsionalist Alexandra Petrovna Kim-Stankevich) // Unity ((Edinstvo). Monthly newsmagazine. № 8-9, August-September, 2008.
- Russian Policy towards Korea during the Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 // International Journal of Korean History. Seoul, Feb. 2005 N 7. P.29-53.
- The 21st International Conference of the Association of Korean Studies in Europe// Vostok-Oriens. Moscow. 6th issue. 2003. P.155-158.
- International scientific symposium dedicated to 150-th anniversary of the prominent Korean statesman, political and social figure, Extraordinary Ambassador and Plenipotentiary minister in Russia (1900-1905) Lee Bomjin // Vostok-Oriens. Moscow. 4th issue. 2002. P.163-165.
- The death of the Korean Queen Min. 1895 // Problems of the Far East. M., 2000. Issue. 4. 13 c. P.136-145.
- From the history of the Korean resettlement to the Russian Far East. 1905-1917 years. // Unity. News bulletin. M., 2000. 2 (19) ed. March, April. C.22-24.
- From the history of the Korean resettlement to the Russian Far East. 80-90-ies. XIX century. // Unity. News bulletin. M., 2000. 1 (18) ed. January February. C.24-27.
- New materials on the agreement of Li Hongzhang-NF. Ladyzhensky. 1886. / Problems of the Far East. M., 1999. Issue. 5. P.125-148.
- From the history of the Korean emigration to the Russian Far East. 60-70s of the XIX century. // Unity. News bulletin. M., 1999. 4 (17) ed. November December. P.25-29.
- 375 days in the Russian mission. / East-Oriens. М., 5 вып. 1997. P.27-37.
- Chronicle of the Russian Koreans. Publication of documents. / / Koryo saram. St. Petersburg, 4th issue. 1993. C.12-15.
- Russian diplomacy in Korea in the period of moving the center of Far Eastern policy of Russia from Korea to Manchuria // Russia and the world at the end of the XIX - first half of the 20th century. Collection for the 85th anniversary of Boris Vasilyevich Ananyich. - The St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Economic History, the Joint Scientific Council for Social and Human Sciences of SPbS RAS. St. Petersburg: Liki Rossii, 2017.-P.93-124.
- Boris Dmitrievich Pak - Koreanist and educator // Koreans. Series "The Life of Remarkable Koreans". Comp. Ge Nikolay D. Almaty: Almaty society "Descendants of fighters for Korea's independence" Tongnip ", 2016. P.111-131. ISBN: 978-601-80141-1-6. Circulation 4000.
- About the period of Boris Dmitrievich Pak's work as a dean of the Faculty of History, head of the Department of World History and the International Center for Asian Studies at the Irkutsk State Pedagogical University. // Peoples of Russia, Siberia and the East: history and modernity. Materials of the International Conference May 18, 2016. Bulletin of the International Center for Asian Studies. 20/2016. FGBOU VO "Irkutsk State University", 2016. P. 142-149. ISBN: 978-5-9908322-3-7. Circulation 100 copies.
- The early period of resettlement of Koreans in Russia (1860-s XIX century. - 1917) // Koryo Saram. To the 150th anniversary of the resettlement of Koreans in Russia. M .: Ivan Line Ltd., 2014. pp 96-102.
- 아관파천 시기 러시아의 한국인식 // 역사 속의 한국과 러시아. 상호인식과 이해. 한양대학교 아태지역 연구센터 . 러시아 - 유라시아 연구사업단 엮음. 선인, 2013 .P. 71-94.( Russia’s Policy towards Korea during King Kojong’s Stay in Russian Legation // Korea and Russia in Historical Perspective: Perceiving and Understanding Each Other. Asia-Pacific Research Center, Hanyang university, Russia-Eurasia research project group. Seoul: Son’in, 2013. P. 69-94 (Korean language)).
- « An Junggeun after the patriotic deed» / / "Patriot Ahn Junggeun: deed and ideological heritage» (안중근 의사 모스크바 국제 학술 대회 ∙ 강연 ∙ 출판 기념회). Collection dedicated to 22-th anniversary of the establishment of Russian-Korean diplomatic relations and the 103rd anniversary of the patriot Ahn Junggeun deed at the Harbin Station, Moscow: IVRAN, 2013. P.40-56.
- «보리스 박의 한국학 연구» 인하대학교 한국학연구소 제23회 동아시아한국학 학술회의. 2012년 12월 13일(목), ❚장소: 정석학술정보관 대회의실.주제: «계봉우와 러시아의 한국학(가제)» Inha University , 2012. ISSN:1225-469X.
- «Territorial dispute between Russia and Japan over the Kurile Issue» // «Communication and Mutual Understanding for Peace in East Asia». International conference. Tokto Institute Yeonnam university. 25.10. 2012. Taegu. P.135-155.
- Russian-Korean relations and Li Bomjin before and during the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905. / / Bulletin of the Center for Korean language and culture. Issue 13. Publisher University of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 2011. P. 11-25. ISSN:1810-8008
- Boris D. Pak - the Founder of studying the history of Russian-Korean relations. The 80th anniversary / / Bulletin of the Center for Korean language and culture. Issue 13. Publisher University of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 2011. P. 48-61. ISSN:1810-8008
- Karl Ivanovich Weber and Korea after 1897 // Collection of articles "Korea: history and modernity. The ninetieth birthday of professor Mikhail Nikolayevich Pak. "Moscow - Seoul, 2008.ISBN: 978-89-961235-0-7.
- Pak B.B. Politics of Russia in Korea on the eve of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 rr.// POWER AND SOCIETY IN RUSSIA DURING THE RUSSIAN-JAPANESE WAR AND REVOLUTION 1905 - 1907. St. Petersburg, September 29-30, 2005. P.92-100. Organizers: Republican Humanitarian Institute of St. Petersburg State University; St. Petersburg Institute of History RAS. P. 92-10.
- From the editor // 1937: Russian Koreans. Primorye-Central Asia-Stalingrad. Deportation. Materials of the scientific conference "60 years of deportation of Koreans from the Far East to Kazakhstan and Central Asia (Moscow, August-September 1997). Collection of articles. Ed. M., 2004. P.14-15.
- The last days of Lee Bomjin's life / / Li Bomjin. Otv.red. Yu.V. Vanin, comp. BD Pak. M., Ivran. 2002. C. 67-79.
- The last days of Li Bomjin's life / / Li Bomjin. Otv.red. V.F.L. M., Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2002. C.59-73.
- Paul Georg von Mollendorf and Russian-Korean relations in the mid-1980s. XIX century // Bulletin of the International Center for Asian Studies. Irkutsk, IGPU. № 5 / 2001. P. 71-81.
- First March movement of 1919: A new view .. / First May March 1919: A new view. M., 1999. P.105-115. Otv. Ed.178 with.
- Russian-Korean agreement on land trade in 1888. / / Bulletin of the Center for Korean Language and Culture. Issue. 3-4. St. Petersburg, 1999. P.81-95.
- Documents of the Russian State Historical Archive on the Labor Movement in 1917-1918. // Labor Conflicts in Soviet Russia. 1918-1926.Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences-Michigan University. M.- Ann Arbor, 1998. P.106-111.
- The mission of Ming Yong-hwan to Russia in the summer of 1896. / / Proceedings of the Center for Korean Language and Culture. St. Petersburg University. Issue. 2. St. Petersburg, 1997. P.213-224.
- Two missions A.N. Speyer in Seoul // International relations in the Pacific region in the XIX - XX century: Intercollegiate collection of scientific articles. Khabarovsk, 1997. P.73-87.
- The struggle of the Western powers for the opening of the Korean ports and Russia.1866-1871. Publication of documents with an introductory article. // Russia and the peoples of the countries of the East. Intercollegiate collection of scientific works. Irkutsk, 1993. P.123-144.
- The question of choosing the direction of the eastern part of the Siberian railway in the Russian foreign policy in the late XIX-early XX century. // Russia and the policy of the powers in the countries of the East. Irkutsk, 1991, p.76-88.
- Construction and significance of the Amur railway road // Russia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region in the XIX-early XX century. Irkutsk, 1988. P.59-73.
- Amur Railway: construction plans and projects. 1895-1908 // Russia's Relations with Afro-Asian Countries in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries. Irkutsk, 1987. P.56-70.
- Siberian bourgeois press on the economic policy of the government in Siberia and the Far East. 1889-1904 // Politics of Russia in the relations of the peoples of the East in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Irkutsk, 1986. P.122-137
- The stay of vang Kojong in the Russian mission and the Russian representative in Korea Karl I. Weber // Collection of papers "2017 Korean-Russian International Symposium. New achievements and prospects for studies of the history of Russian-Korean relations ". Seoul: Foundation for the Study of the History of Northeast Asia, 2017. P. 191-200 (Russian language.). Pp. 201-212 (Kor.).
- The Relations between Russia and the Korean Empire and the Activities of the Russian Ambassadors in the Korean Empire Period» // Международный академический симпозиум (International Academic symposium) "Dreaming of a modern and vigorous nation with a strong empire of Korea," in commemoration of the 120th anniversary of Kojong's declaration of the Korean Empire. Организатор: Национальный дворец Кёнбоккун, 12.10.2017. National Palace Museum, Seoul.
- Results and prospects for the further development of the study of the history of the Russian- Korean relations and Russian Koreans of the late 19th and early 20th centuries "(Results and prospects for the further development of a study of the history of Russian-Korean relations and Russian Koreans of the late X1Xth and early XXth centuries ") // World Forum of Koreans (Global Korean Convention). Organizer: Overseas Koreans Foundation Foundation, Seoul). 27-29.06.2017. Seoul, Sogondon.
- Crossing cultural boundaries in North East Asia: Russian Perception of Korean Immigrants in the late XIX – early XX century // The 2nd HK International conference «Glocal Сulturalism in Neo - North East Asia. Foreign Studies Institute, Chung-Ang University Seoul, 16.05.2014 г. P.177-188.
- Karl Ivanovich Waeber and the establishment of the official Russo-Korean Relations (Карл Иванович Вебер и установление официальных российско-корейских отношений) // The 26th Korea-Russia International Conference in commemoration of the 130th Anniversary of the Friendship and Trade Treaty between Korea and Russia. The Eurasia Initiative and A New Korea-Russia Relationship. APRC Proceeding Series. 2014-3. 13-14.06.2014. Asia-Pacific Research Center, Hanyang University. Seoul, 2014. P.29-49.
- Boris Dmitrievich Pak - the founder of the study of the history of Russian Koreans and their participation in the national liberation struggle of the Korean people as a scientific field in Oriental Studies// International Conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the resettlement of Koreans in Russia and residing in the territory of the modern countries of the CIS. Dongguk University, Seoul. 2014. C.67-110. Russian, Corean.
- Territorial politics in Russian Kuril islands) // 삼척 〈이사부 영토 수호관〉 건립을위한 동 아시아 국제 포럼«이사부, 독도와 동북 아시아의 평화» Seoul, 2013. P.99-123.
- Russian diplomacy in Korea in 1906-1907 // 25th BIENNIAL AKSE CONFERENCE. Moscow, June 17–20, 2011. Association for Korean Studies in Europe, Moscow State University, Institute of Asian and African Studies International Center for Korean Studies, Academy of Korean Studies. Volume 1. P. 90-96)).
- Russia’s Policy towards Korea during King Kojong’s Stay in Russian Legation // Korea and Russia in Historical Perspective: Perceiving and Understanding Each Other (Кoрея и Россия в историческом аспекте: Познание "другого" и взаимопонимание), Asia-Pacific Research Center, Hanyang university. Seoul, 16-17 .09.2010. P. 67-114.
- Russo-Japanese agreement 1907 and Russia’s position towards Korea // International conference “Peace in North-East Asia and Korean-Mongolian relations in 21st Century reflecting in the first Russo-Japanese Entente(1907)". organized by The Society of Korean Political and Diplomatic history, Seoul ASEM Institute of International relations, Kumho Engineering & Construction, Veolia Water System. July 10-11th, 2008. Institute of Economic studies National University of Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
- K.I. Waeber’ struggle against Chinese attempts to establish an exclusive influence in Korea in the second half of the 80s of the XIX century // (Proceedings of the Korean studies conference RAS IFES 2008).
- The main stages of the resettlement and adaptation of Koreans in Russia ) // Proceedings of the International Conference" Language, literature and language of Koreans in Central Asia. "Seoul, 2007. Seoul Institute of Arts Seoul National University. P.9-28.
- Russia’s Diplomacy and Korea in 1906-1907 //The World Congress for Korean Studies 2007 “Korea in the World: Democracy, Peace, Prosperity and Culture” by the Korean Political Science Association. Busan, South Korea, 23-25 August, 2007.
- Reaction to the assassination of Ito Hirobumi in Korea and abroad (on Russian, Korean and Japanese materials // Proceedings of the VI International Conference on "The Contribution of Ahn Junggeun and his family members in the independence movement", organized by the State Committee of veterans, Sejong University named after King Sejong and the scientific community for Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the great dead of the martyr Ahn Junggeun. 26/10/2007. Seoul, Sejong University. P.71-76.
- The signing of Korea's first treaties with the Western powers and Russia, "A Note on Korea" by Karl I. Weber)// Proceedings of the International Conference "Archival Orientalism". Moscow, Society of Oriental Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies, Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Asian and African Studies of Moscow State University, Russian State University for the Humanities.
- Territorial dispute between Russia and Japan over the Kurile Issue and Dokdo island // International Conference on territorial disputes in East Asia. The Korean Association for Political and Diplomatic History, The Institute 21 For Peace Studies, The Korea Foundation.- Seoul, 2005.
- Michael Finch’ “Min Yo˘nghwan (1861~1905): Statesman, diplomat, and patriot // Min Yo˘nghwan-yi kaehyokkusangwa wegyohwaltong-ae taehan Min Yo˘nghwan sago 100 chunyon kinyom haksultaehwe (International conference, dedicated to 100-anniversary of the outstanding statesmen Min Yo˘nghwan: «Evaluation of reformist and diplomatic activities of Min Yo˘nghwan»). Korea Un-ty. Seoul, 2005.
- Russia’s Diplomacy during the peace negotiations and Policy toward the Korean Peninsular// Centenary International Symposium on the Russo-Japanese War “Portsmouth Treaty and the Past, Present, and Future of Peace building in Northeast Asia”. Seoul ASEM Institute for International Relations, French Embassy in Korea, Taiwan Mission in Korea, Hanns Seidel Stiftung.- Seoul, 2005
- Russian documents and materials about the heroic deed Ahn Junggeun // 안중근 의사 의고 95주년 기념 국제 학술 회의 «안중근의사의 위업과 사상 재조명» , 서울, 2004. 131–159쪽. In coauthorship with Boris D. Pak.
- Roil kaejongi rosia-yi taehan chonch’aek // Roil chongdjaenggwa hanguk: hanguksa sog-yi Roil chongdjaeng. Roil chongdjaeng 100 chunyon kukje haksulhwe («Russian Policy towards Korea before Russo-Japanese war»// International conference, dedicated to 100 anniversary of Russo-Japanese war « Russo-Japanese war in Korean history”). «Brain Korea21 The Educational and Research Group for Korean Studies», Institute of Korean studies Korea Un-ty. Seoul, 2004.
- Russian Policy towards Korea during the Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 // International Conference in the Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Russo-Japanese War “The Russo-Japanese War and the International order in East Asia: Historical Characteristics and modern meaning”. The Korean Association for Political and Diplomatic History, The Institute 21 For Peace Studies.- Seoul, 2004
- Two Missions of A.N.Speyer to Seoul in 1885-1886. Proceedings of the 21st Conference of the Association of Korean Studies in Europe. Rome, 2003. P. 3-10.
- Russo-Korean Relations: lessons of the past.// The Problems over the Korean peninsula and the interests of Russia. Proceedings of 3rd academic conference. January 21-23. Moscow. Institute of Far East Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, 1999. P. (18 p.)
- Min Young Hwan’s Mission, 1896.The Story of one photograph.// Proceedings of the International Conference “100 years of the Korean Studies at St. Petersburg State University”. St. Petersburg, 1997. P.80-83.
- "The Korean issue" and Russian diplomacy in the period of demarcation of Tumangan and the origins of Russian-Korean relations, "Mutual relations of the peoples of Russia, Siberia and the countries of the East: history and modernity." Papers of the 2 nd International Scientific Conference. August 11-14,1997 Moscow-Irkutsk-Daegu.1997. C.47-53. (in co-authorship with AL Anisimov).
- The contribution of K.I. Weber in the preparation and signing of the Russo-Korean Treaty // Mutual relations of the peoples of Russia, Siberia and the countries of the East: history and modernity. Reports of the 2nd international scientific conference. August 11-14,1997 Moscow-Irkutsk-Daegu.1997. C.54-59.
- Russian Diplomacy and the Japan-Korean Treaty of 1876. Documents // Mutual relations of the peoples of Russia, Siberia and the countries of the East: history and modernity. Reports of the 1 st international scientific conference. September 26-29 1996 Irkutsk. P.221-255.
- Rosia konsagwan-esoyi 375 il (Korean King's 375 Days in the Russian Legation) // Aghvan Phachon gi-yi kukdzhe kugege. Hakkyo bobin sejonghagwon 50 chunen king haksul hansa. Hanguk chonchhi vegyosa hakhvve che 6khve kukdze hakzul tehve / Korean King's Flight to Russian Legation in 1896 and International Relations. Papers of VIth International Symposium. The Society of Korean Political and Diplomatic History. Sejong University. Seoul, 1996. C.5-14. Korean language.
- Russian boat "Sable" on the Korean coast in 1869 / / Russian Navy in the Pacific: history and modernity. 2 issues. International relations in the Far East. Fleet in military conflicts and wars. Proceedings of the Pacific Conference, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the Russian fleet. October 17-20. 1996. VLadivostok, 1996. P.31-36.
- Russia and the coup on December 4, 1884 in Seoul // East and Siberia: The meeting place "A View from Siberia. Proceedings and abstracts of scientific conferences. May 116-18. 1996. Irkutsk, 1996. P.152-154.
- Russian diplomacy and the struggle of the powers to open the Korean ports. 1865-1884.// Mutual relations of the peoples of Russia, Siberia and the countries of the East: history and modernity. Reports of the international scientific conference. October 12-15 1995 Moscow-Irkutsk.1995. P.221-255.
- The role of China in the conclusion of the American-Korean and Russian-Korean agreements // Russia, Siberia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Theses of the scientific conference. May 11-14. 1994. Irkutsk, 1994. pp. 80-84.
- The Korean Diaspora in the Primorsky Territory in the Russian-Korean relations in the 60-80s. XIX century .// Diaspora in history and space: the national situation in Eastern Siberia. Irkutsk, 1994. P.132-134.
- Japan's Expansionary Policy towards Korea in 1868-1876 and Russia's Position // Russia and the Peoples of the East. The problem of studying and teaching the history of Afro-Asian countries in higher educational institutions. Abstracts at the All-Russian Scientific and Methodical Conference December 28-30, 1993. Irkutsk, 1993, P.52-54.
- Che-ro hanin-yy unmyon (Destiny of the Koreans of the Russian Federation) // 93 sege hanminjok chhukchon. Che 2 xve sege hamminjok hakuls xve-yy "Sege sog-yy hanminjok". Palphio nonmon. 20-22.09.1993. Hangook chongxing monghwa yongguon (Reports of the Second International Symposium "Koreans of the World." Sonnam, Academy of Korean Culture, 20-22. 09.1993., P.45-52.
- Korea in the politics of the powers at the beginning of the second half of the XIX century.// East: the past and the present. Theses of the reports of the regional conference. Irkutsk, 1991. P.42-43.
- The Amur Railway and Japan // Countries and peoples of the East: ways of development. Theses of the reports of the regional conference. May 10-12. 1988. Irkutsk, 1988. P.45.
- Democratic Siberian Press on Russian-Japanese Relations in 1896-1904. (based on the materials of the newspaper "Vostochny Vestnik") / / Countries of the East: Problems of socio-economic and political development. Theses of the reports of the regional conference. Irkutsk, 1982. P.38-40.
Participant of the Korean and Japanese Foundations Programs:
Korea Foundation Publication Subsidy program 2013.
Korea Foundation Publication Subsidy program 2010.
Japan Foundation for Fellowship program at Kansai Institute in Japan. October 4, 2000-June 23, 2001.
Korea Foundation Fellowship for Korean Language Training at the Korean Language Institute at Yonsey University (Seoul, Republic of Korea). April 4-September 1995.
The 1st Cultural Program for Foreign Students and Scholars in Korean Studies at the Academy of Korean Studies (Sonnam, Republic of Korea). July 1993.
Fulbright-Kennan Fellow:
Fulbright-Kennan Fellowship - USA, Council of International Exchange of Scholars, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Kennan Institute - September 2003 - June 2004.Elected to the government program "Brain Korea 21" (BK 21) to strengthen the technical and scientific sphere, the re-establishment of the research institute and the training of doctors of sciences in the Republic of Korea as a professor for doctoral students at Koryo University.
Author of more than 100 scientific works, including 12 monographs: