

PhD in History

Papers of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS » Editorial Colleague of Serie

IOS RAS » Department of Israel and the Jewish Communities » Leading Researcher

Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS » Editorial Colleague

Scientific Interests

Political System, Regional policy, Israeli-American Relations


  1. Karasova T. (Zvyagelskaya I., Fedorchenko A.) The State of Israel. ИВ РАН, 2005 – 560с. ISBN 5-89282-259-1
  2. Special Attitudes in Russia to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict / Russian and Israeli Outlooks on Current Developments in the Middle East / Z. Magen and T. Karasova editors. ИВ РАН и Института изучения национальной безопасности (Израиль)( Institute for National Security Studies). Tel Aviv: INSS, IVRAN 2015. – 89 с. - ISBN 978-965-7425-77-0. (на анг. яз.)




Karasova T.A. Israel Reaction on the Situation in the ME and North Africa.//Russian-Israeli Relations. History and Present Day.-M.: The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Karasova T. Israel: Achievements and Problems.//Year of the Planet.Yearbook 2015 – M.: IMEMO, Idea-Press, 2015/ - 48-c.

Karasova T. Kennedy Administration Attitude towards Israeli Nuclear Program //Israel. Historical Experience and Modern Development. (Ed. Karasova T.).

Karasova T. Memory of the II World War as an element of the State of Israel  official policy. //Palestine and Israel from the II World War till the Present Days.