

PhD in History

IOS RAS » Department of Israel and the Jewish Communities » senior researcher

Scientific Interests

Israel Foreign Policy, the US Israel Foreign Policy (MENA region), The US-Israel relations, American Jewish Diaspora, Pro-Israel lobbying in the USA


  1. Khlebnikova L. Split in relations between the American Jewish community and Israel: leave thou shalt not stay // Moscow: MGIMO, State of Israel: 70 Years, 2019. P. 80 - 93;
  2. Khlebnikova L. Pro-Israel lobbying under Donald Trump: AIPAC VS J Street // The Formation of Jewish Statehood in the XXth Century: Key Events. The second Book. - Institute of Oriental Studies of theRussian Academy of Sciences. Moscow. 2019. P. 267 – 277;
  3. Khlebnikova L. The First Lebanon War in the context of the U.S.-Israeli relations. Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2017. No. 3. P. 142 – 176.
  4. Khlebnikova L. ‘The Iran Puzzle’ in the Israeli-U.S. relations. USA v Canada: Economics – Politics – Culture. №3. Pp. 57-69;
  5. Khlebnikova L. The influence of Israel and the Israel lobby in the United States on the orchestration of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The World Politics in the XXI century: Insights from Young Scholars. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2015. Pp. 55–68.