

PhD in Philology

Scientific Interests

Culturology, functioning and role of national traditions in modern Japanese society, peculiarities of Japanese aesthetic consciousness

List of main publications

  1. “The Being of Beauty. The Traditions and Modernity in Kawabata Yasunari” 1990, Moscow
  2. “Twelve centuries of the imperial capital. The history, culture and traditions, born in Kyoto” 2002, Moscow
  3. Traditional values as the sources of industrial and economic progress in Japan/ Orient, 2013, №1
  4. "The change in the mass consciousness of the Japanese." Journal of Historical Psychology and Social History, 2013, No. 1
  5. "Formation of the concept of Art in Japan" . /Japanese Society: Changing and Unchanging"/ 2014
  6. "Imagination of the Japanese." Journal of Historical Psychology and Social History 2016
  7. The Implicitness of Japanese Art. Causes and Consequences / " Scientific electronic journal №4, 2017.
