PhD in Philology
Scientific Interests
Culturology, functioning and role of national traditions in modern Japanese society, peculiarities of Japanese aesthetic consciousness
List of main publications
- “The Being of Beauty. The Traditions and Modernity in Kawabata Yasunari” 1990, Moscow
- “Twelve centuries of the imperial capital. The history, culture and traditions, born in Kyoto” 2002, Moscow
- Traditional values as the sources of industrial and economic progress in Japan/ Orient, 2013, №1
- "The change in the mass consciousness of the Japanese." Journal of Historical Psychology and Social History, 2013, No. 1
- "Formation of the concept of Art in Japan" . /Japanese Society: Changing and Unchanging"/ 2014
- "Imagination of the Japanese." Journal of Historical Psychology and Social History 2016
- The Implicitness of Japanese Art. Causes and Consequences / " Scientific electronic journal №4, 2017.