

Dr. of Political science, Dr. of Political science

IOS RAS » Center for Arab and Islamic Studies » Leading Researcher

Scientific Interests

The international relations in the Middle East.


Dr., Professor, Department of Oriental Studies in Russian State University for Humanities (Moscow).

List of main publications

  1. Vneshnia politika Saudovskoi Aravii: prioritety, napravleniya, process priniatiya resheniya (The Foreign Policy of Saudi Arabia: Priorities, Directions, Decision-Making Process). Moscow, 2003 (co-authored).
  2. Gulf Cooperation Council Relations with Russia, Gulf Research Center, Dubai, 2005.
  3. Region Zaliva: conflikti, compromisi, sotrudnitshestvo (The Gulf Region: conflicts, compromises, cooperation. Moscow, 2008.
  4. Dirasat fi taarih Al-Kuwait al-hadis va al-muasir (Researches of Modern and Contemporary History of Kuwait). Kuwait, 2011.
  5. Noveishaya istoriya Kuveita (Contemporary History of Kuwait). Moscow, 2011.
  6. Kuwait v 2000-e godi: vnutripolititsheskoe razvitie i vneshniaa politika (Kuwait in 2000s: internal political development and foreign policy). Moscow, 2014.
  7. Istoriya gosudarstv Arabskogo zaliva v XX - nachale XXI veka (History of the Arab Gulf States in XX - the beginning of XXI century). Moscow, 2016.
