Dr. of Political science, Dr. of Political science
IOS RAS » Center for Arab and Islamic Studies » Leading Researcher
Scientific Interests
The international relations in the Middle East.
Dr., Professor, Department of Oriental Studies in Russian State University for Humanities (Moscow).
List of main publications
- Vneshnia politika Saudovskoi Aravii: prioritety, napravleniya, process priniatiya resheniya (The Foreign Policy of Saudi Arabia: Priorities, Directions, Decision-Making Process). Moscow, 2003 (co-authored).
- Gulf Cooperation Council Relations with Russia, Gulf Research Center, Dubai, 2005.
- Region Zaliva: conflikti, compromisi, sotrudnitshestvo (The Gulf Region: conflicts, compromises, cooperation. Moscow, 2008.
- Dirasat fi taarih Al-Kuwait al-hadis va al-muasir (Researches of Modern and Contemporary History of Kuwait). Kuwait, 2011.
- Noveishaya istoriya Kuveita (Contemporary History of Kuwait). Moscow, 2011.
- Kuwait v 2000-e godi: vnutripolititsheskoe razvitie i vneshniaa politika (Kuwait in 2000s: internal political development and foreign policy). Moscow, 2014.
- Istoriya gosudarstv Arabskogo zaliva v XX - nachale XXI veka (History of the Arab Gulf States in XX - the beginning of XXI century). Moscow, 2016.