

PhD in History

IOS RAS » Department of Oriental Written Sources » senior researcher

Scientific Interests

History of Persian Cossack Brigade, history of Persian written tradition, codicology

Main publications:

Norik B. Biobibliographical dictionary of Central Asia poetry. Moscow: Publishing House Marjani, 2011. 976 pp.

W.A. Ivanow. Memoirs of the Orient. 1918—1968 / Ed., introduction and comment. by B. Norik. St.-Petersburg: Contrast, 2015. 160 pp.

Norik B. On a new manuscript of Fuzuli Baghdadi’s divan in the collection of IOM RAS // Written Monuments of Orient 2(11), 2009, pp. 189—191.

Norik B. Wahshi Bafqi and manuscripts of his works in the collection of IOM RAS // Written Monuments of Orient 2(13), 2010, pp. 182—198.

Norik B. On the tarikh genre in Mawaraanahr of XVI cent. // Scientific proceeding of Kazan University. Humanitarian sciences series 2013. Tome 155, volume 3, part 2, pp. 211—218.

Hilyat al-kuttab (“Talisman for katibs: skill secrets of katibs in the Middle Ages. Introduction, translation from Persian and commentaries by B. Norik // Written Monuments of Orient 2(19) (2013), pp. 5—17.

Norik B. First steps of W.A. Kosagovskiy as a commander of Persian Cossack Brigade (according to “Diary” for the year 1895) // Iran-name 3 (27) (2013), pp. 169—177.

Norik B. Persian manuscripts in the collection of IOM (St.-Petersburg) // Miras-e elmi 10 (1395/2016), pp. 11—115 (the journal was issued in 2017).
