Dr. of History
IOS RAS » » Chief Researcher
IOS RAS » Department of Israel and the Jewish Communities » Chief Researcher
Scientific Interests
Jewish identity, Jewish cultural memory, intermarriages; ethnic identity; religiousity (Judaism. Christianity); disability studies; cultures of disabled people in Russia and Israel
Monograph study:
- Nosenko-Stein E., Emelyanenko T (Eds.) Jews (series “Peoples and cultures”). Moscow: Nauka, 2018 (in print).
- Nosenko-Stein E., Kurlenkova A. “Parallel wolds”: theory, representations and life styles of disability. Moscow: MBA Publeshers, 2018 (in print).
- “Remembering the Past for the Sake of the Future:” Jewish Identity and Cultures” / Ed. by Tatiana Karasova and Elena Nosenko-Stein. Moscow: IV RAN, 2014 (in Russian).
- “Tell it to your children…”: Cultural memory of Russian Jews today. Moscow: MBA Publishers, 2013 (in Russian).
Scientific articles:
- “Anthropology of disability: problems and goals Etnograficheskoye obozrenie (Ethnographic Review), 2018. 1: 5-11 (in Russian).
- “ ‘I want to marry a healthy man!; Marrieag preferences of disabled womrn in contemporary Russia.” Etnograficheskoye obozrenie (Ethnographic Review). 2018. 1: 36-46 (in Russian).
- “Reform Judaism in modern Russia: Contacts and conflicts.” P. 223-236. In: Belova O. (Ed.) Contacts ans conflicts in Slavic and Jewish traditional cultures. Academic series, 55. Moscow: Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017 (in Russian).
- “Inventing a ‘New Jew’: The Transformation of Jewish Identity in Post-Soviet Russia.” In: The New Jewish Diaspora: Russian-speaking immigrants in the United States, Israel and Germany, edited by Zvi Gitelman. New Brunswick, NJ, and London. Rutgers Uneversity Press, 2016, pp. 196-211.
- “Reform Judaism in Russia” Constructing a ‘New Jew.’” Vestnik Rossiskoy natsii (Review of the Russian Nation). 2015. 52015. 5 (43): 93-104. (in Russian).
- “To be a disabled person in Israel: experience of Russian-speaking immigrants.” Asia and Africa Today.. 2015. 12: 67-72 (in Russian).