PhD in History
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In 1992 – 2001, he was the member of Common Security Forum – an independent interna-tional group of academics and policymakers from Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. He was also a faculty resource in the proceedings of three-years-long International Scientific-Educational Seminar “Central Asia in International Relations: Interdisciplinary Approach in Developing Teaching and Academic Excellence” (2003– 2006).
In 2002, he established a School of Younger Authors for students, post-graduates and young lecturers from Russian universities; up to date, over 50 schools were conducted in different cities of Russia, and the total number of those who graduated from this extra-faculties short-term course of academic writing is now amounting to more than one thousand.
In 1995 – 2008, he was editor of multi-disciplinary academic journal “Vestnik Yevraziyi / Acta Eurasica”. He was also a member of the editorial panel for another academic journal “Inner Asia” (Cambridge, UK) in 2002 – 2015, and since 2016 he is a member of the same panel for Russian academic journal of critical articles and reviews “Istoricheskaia ekspertiza” (Historical Expertise)
His list of publications in Russian and Western books and journals includes around 200 items.
Selected publications
2018 Panarin, Sergei. Ot veka bronzovogo do veka tsifrovogo: fenomen migratsii vo vremeni (Migration throughout Times: From the Bronze Age to the Century of the Digital), Altai State Univ. Press, Barnaul, 426 p. Editor and one of the authors.
2016 Panarin, Sergei. Vostok na Vostoke, v Rossii i na Zapade: transgranichnye migratsii i diaspory (East in the East, in Russia and in the West: Cross-border Migrations and Diasporas), Nestor-Istoria, Sankt-Peteburg, 304 p. Editor and one of the authors.
2015 Panarin, Sergei. Transgranichnye vyzovy natsional’nomu gosudarstvu (Cross-border Challenges to the Nation-state), Intersotsis, Sankt-Peteburg, 390 p. Editor and one of the authors.
2013 Panarin S.A., Polyvyannyy D.I. Bezopasnost’ na Zapade, na Vostoke i v Rossii: predstavlenia, kontseptsii, situatsii (Security in the West, in the East, and in Russia: Perceptions, Concepts, Situations). Ivanovo State Univ. Press, Ivanovo, 390 p. Co-editor.
2012 Panarin, Sergei. Russkii iazyk: ukhod i vozvrashchenie? Opyt Mongolii (Russian Lan-guage: Departure and Return? A Mongolian Experience), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolian State Univ. of Science and Technologies, 206 p. Editor.
2012 Panarin, Sergei. Kak pisat’ nauchnyi tekst: opyt Shkoly molodogo avtora (How to Write an Academic Text: An Experience of the School of Younger Author), Ottisk, Ir-kutsk, 240 p. Editor and one of the authors.
2012 Panarin, Sergei. Bezopasnost’ kak tsennost’ i norma: opyt raznykh epoch i kul’tur (Se-curity as a Value and Norm: An Experience of Different Epochs and Cultures), Intersotsis, Sankt-Peteburg, 296 p. Editor and one of the authors.
2011 Panarin, Sergei et al. Auf der Suche nach Russland. Eine Reihe zur Identitatsdebatte. Band 3. Russlands Osten – Der Ferne Osten SPb.: Intersotsis, 496 S. Co-editor and one of the authors.
2005 Dyatlov, Viktor, Panarin, Sergei and Rozhansky, Mikhail. Baikal’skaya Sibir’: iz chego skladyvayetsya stabil’nost’ (Baikal Siberia: Constituents of Stability), Natalis, Moscow – Irkutsk, 320 p. Co-editor and one of the authors.
2000 Vitkovskaya, Galina and Panarin, Sergei. Migratsia i bezopasnost’ v Rossii (Migration and Security in Russia), Interdialect +, Moscow, 320 p. Co-editor and one of the au-thors.
1999 Vyatkin, Anatoly, Kosmarskaya, Natalya and Panarin Sergei. V dvizheniyi dobrovol'nom i vynuzhdennom: postsovetskiye migratsiyi v Yevraziyi (On the Move: Voluntarily and Involuntarily. Post-Soviet Migrations in Eurasia), Moscow, Natalis Press, 319 s. Co-editor.
1993 Naumkin, Vitaly and Panarin, Sergei. State, Religion and Society in Central Asia: A Post-Soviet Critique, Ithaca Press, London, 289 p. Co-editor and one of the authors.
Articles and chapters
2018 Panarin, Sergei. V korolevskom Afganistane. Stat’ia–vospopminanie // Dialog so vremenem In Royal Afghanistan (Remembrance-cum-article In Dialogue with Time. Intellectual History Re-view), Moscow, Issue 62, p. 329–353.
2017 Panarin, Sergei. Kul’turnaia zhizn’ v malom provintsial’nom monogorode Yuzhnogo Urala // Russkaia provintsia: pro et contra (Cultural life in a small provincial mono-town in the South-ern Urals In Russian Province: Pro et Contra), ed. by U. Persi and A.V. Poloskii, ID “Belgorod” NIU “BelGU”, Belgorod, p. 93–110.
2016 Panarin, Sergei. Sotsiokul’turnye effekty istoricheskikh i sovremennykh migratsii: vozmozhnosti sravneniia // Transnatsional’nye migratsii i natsional’nye gosudarstva v usloviiakh ekonomocheskoi turbulentnosti (Social-cum-cultural effects of historical and con-temporary migrations: comparison capacities In Transnational Migrations and nation-states in the conditions of economical turbulence), ed. by V.S. Malakhov, M.E. Simon, Delo, Moscow, p. 249–263.
2015 Panarin, Sergei. Edward Said: kniga sofismov // Istoricheskaia ekspertiza (Edward Said: the book of sophistry In Historical Expertize), Moscow, no. 2 (3), p. 78–105.
2015 Panarin S.A., Stepanova N.S. Mirivozzrencheskie osnovy predstavlenii o bezopasnosti rukovodstva KNDR // Vostok-Oriens, № 6. S. 83–97 (The DPRK leadership: worldview foundations for vision of security In Vostok-Oriens), Moscow, no. 6, p. 83–97.
2014 Panarin, Sergei. Kuritsa ne ptitsa? Vospominania o sotsialisticheskoi Mongolii // Labirint, № 6. S. 66–75 (Is hen a bird? From memoirs of socialist Mongolia In Labirint), Ivanovo, no. 6, p. 66–75.
2013 Panarin, Sergei, Garibaldi in Russia: dall’esaltqazione all’oblio? In Il Risorgimento visto dagli altri / a cura di Matilda Dillon e Gulio Ferroni. Edizione di storia e litteratura, Roma, p. 273–294.
2012 Panarin, Sergei. Buriatia 1990-kh: migratsionnyi opyt odnogo sela (po materialam polevogo issledovaniia) // Demograficheskoe prostranstvo Azii: istoriia, sovremennost’, gipotezy budushchego (Buryatia in 1990s: the migration experience of one village. Based on the materials of field studies In The Demographic Space of Asia: History, Modernity, Hypotheses about the Future), ed. by V.A. Lamin, Novosibirsk, Institute of History, Siberian Branch of RAS, p. 161–187.
2009 Panarin, Sergei, Acta Eurasica: une contribution implicite au discours sur l’Eurasie In Eurasie: Espace mythique ou réalité en construction. Sous la direction de Wanda Dressler. Bruxelles: Etablishment Emile Bruylant, 2009. P. 145–156.
2008 Panarin, Sergei, Yessimiva, Aigul. Obraz i imidzh Rossii v Kazakhstane // Rossiia i ES v Tsentral’noi Azii (Obraz i image of Russia in Kazakhstan In Russia and EC in Central Asia), ed. by M.G. Nosov, Russkii suvenir, Moscow, p. 40–66.
2002 Panarin, Sergei, Satrapi centroasiatica giocano gli Americano contro I rissi In Limes. Rivista italiano di geopolitica, # 3: Il triangolo di Osama: USA / Russia / Cina. P. 48–61.
2000 Panarin, Sergei, Politicheskoe razvitie gosudarstv Tsentral’noi Azii v svete geografii i istorii regiona // Vestnik Evrazii / Acta Eurasica (Political development of the states of Central Asia in the light of geography and history of the region In Vestnik Evrazii / Acta Eurasica), Mos-cow, no. 1 (8), p. 90–132.
2000 Panarin, Sergei, The Rural Economy of the Tunka Valley in a Time of Transition and Crisis In: Alexander Northworthy (ed.), Russian Views of the Transition in the Rural Sector: Structures, Policy Outcomes, and Adaptive Responses, World Bank, Wash., D.C., p. 188–201.
1996 Panarin, Sergei, Natsional’no-kul’turnoe vozrozhdenie v respublikakh i territorial’naia tselostnost’ Rossii // Vestnil Evrazii / Acta Eurasica (National and cultural revival in the re-publics and the issue of Russia’s territorial integrity In Vestnil Evrazii / Acta Eurasica), no. 2 (3), p. 113–135.
1994 Panarin, Sergei, Political Dynamics of the “New” East (1985–1993) In Central Asia and Trans-caucasia: Ethnicity and Conflict. Ed. by Vitaly Naumkin, Greenwood Press, Westport (Conn.), London, P. 69–107.
1994 Panarin, Sergei, The Ethnohistorical Dynamics of Muslim Societies within Russia and the CIS In Mohiaddin Mesbahi (ed.), Central Asia and the Caucasus after the Soviet Union, Univ. Press of Florida, Gainswill et al., p. 17–33.