PhD in Economics
IOS RAS » Center for Study of Common Problems of Contemporary East » Leading Researcher
Scientific Interests
Transnational corporations and transnational banks in Asian countries. Transnationals from Asian countries. Globalization and regional integration (countries of East, Southeast and South Asia). Information and communication technologies, digital economy in Asian and African countries. Particular features of modernization and scientific and technical progress in Asian developing countries.
graduated from the Moscow Institute of International Relations (MGIMO MID SSSR). PhD in Economy at the Institute of Oriental Studies, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1978.
Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow Lomonosov State University, since 2011:
International economic relations of Asian and African countries, part 3. Regional economic integration.
International capital flows and countries of Asia and Africa. 2 year. Master program.
World Trade Organization and countries of Asia and Africa. Course for post-graduate students.
Research studies workshop. 1 year. Master program.
Institute of Oriental countries, 2007-2017:
World economy and international economic relations
Economic Theory.
Editor, section of economy, of Vostok (Oriens).
List of main publications
- Tsvetkova N.N. International monopolies and social evolution in Asian developing countries. М.: Gl. Red. Vost. Lit. Nauka, 1983. 152 р.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Foreign direct investment in Asia and Russia: a comparative study. M.: IV RAN, 2004. 197 p.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Transnationals in Asian countries: 2000-2010. . M.: Inst Vostok. RAN (IV RAN), 2011. 296 p.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Information and communication technologies in Asian countries: ICT goods and IT-services production. M.: IV RAN; Izdatel' Vorob'ev A.V., 2016. 228 p.
Articles reviewed by editors:
- Tsvetkova N.N. The East: XXI century challenges // Vostok (Oriens), 2009, № 4. P. 145-152.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Globalization and world economic crisis (a review of foreign publications) // Vostok (Oriens), 2010, № 2. P. 181-190.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Global financial and economic crisis and foreign direct investment in Asian countries // Vostok (Oriens), 2010, № 5. P. 88-102.
- Tsvetkova N.N. The world after crisis // Aziia i Afrika segodnia, 2010, № 11. P. 75-76.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Social and economic processes in the context of globalization. Pro memoriam: A.M. Petrov // Vostok (Oriens), 2011, № 6. P. 145-151.
- Tsvetkova N.N. BRIC countries: thirty years after // Vostok (Oriens), 2011, № 1. P. 157-161.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Foreign East and contemporary situation // Vostok (Oriens), 2011, № 4. P. 148-156.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Development of information and communication technologies and Afro-Asian countries // Vostok (Oriens), 2012, № 1. P. 176-183.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Transnational corporations and transnational banks from Asian countries // Vostok (Oriens), 2012, № 5. P. 85-98.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Asian countries and new information and communication technologies // Vostok (Oriens). 2013, № 2. P. 163-168.
- Tsvetkova N.N. A book on the future of civilizations // Vostok (Oriens). 2013, № P. 84-93.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Globalization and Asian countries: social and socio-political aspects, // Vostok (Oriens). 2014, № 1. P. 167-175.
- Tsvetkova N.N. . Economic, socio-political, ethno-confessional problems of Oriental countries // Vostok (Oriens). 2014, № 3. P. 166-174 (co-author: O.P. Bibikova).
- Tsvetkova N.N. Technogeneous disaster in Bhopal and risks of globalization // Vostok (Oriens). 2014, № 6. P. 76-88.
- Tsvetkova N.N. The East in globalization: foreign direct investment and exports // Oriental socium and religion. M.: IV RAN, 2009. P. 67-106.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Middle East: globalization and foreign direct investment // Middle East: XXI century challenges. . M.: IV RAN - Institut Blizhnego Vostoka , 2009. Р. 135-154.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Global financial and economic crisis and international foreign direct investment flows // Vostok v kapkane global'nogo finansovo-ekonomicheskogo krizisa. Otv. red. A.M. Khazanov. M.: IV RAN, 2009. P. 62-78.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Energy problem and alternative energetics: African countries // Sovremennye tendentsii v razvitii partnerskikh otnoshenii Rossii s afrikanskimi stranami v syr'evoi sfere. Otv. red. V.V. Lopatov. M.: IAf RAN, 2009. P. 67-74.
- Tsvetkova N.N. The energy problem and TNCs in Asian countries // The East: XXI century challenges. . M.: IV RAN, 2010. P. 37-71.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Introduction (co-author O.P. Bibikova) //The East: XXI century challenges. M.: IV RAN, 2010. P. 5-8.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Foreign capital in Asian countries, 1980-2010 // Foreign East nowadays: thirty years after (1980-2010), pro memoriam: G.F. Kim. M.: IV RAN, 2011. P. 61-81.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Introduction (co-author O.P. Bibikova) // Foreign East nowadays: thirty years after (1980-2010), pro memoriam: G.F. Kim. M.: IV RAN, 2011. P. 5-11.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Asian investment in Africa: new trends // Mezhdunarodnye problemy stran Afriki. Sb. M., IAf RAN, 2011. P. 303-312.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Asian countries and catch-up development (on moderate optimism) // Chto dogoniaet dogoniaiushchee razvitie: poiski poniatiia. Otv. red. A.M. Petrov. M.: IV RAN, 2011. P. 321-348.
- Tsvetkova N.N. TNCs and development of information and communication technologies in Asian countries // Vostochnaia analitika, 2011. M.: IV RAN, 2011. P. 39-47.
- Tsvetkova N.N. New trends in globalization: TNCs and transnational banks from Asian countries // Asian countries: socio-political, socio-economic, ethno-confessional and socio-cultural problems in the context of globalization. Pro memoriam: A.M. Petrov. M.: IV RAN, 2012. P. 68-93.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Introduction // Asian countries: socio-political, socio-economic, ethno-confessional and socio-cultural problems in the context of globalization. Pro memoriam: A.M. Petrov. M.: IV RAN, 2012. P. 5-11 (co-author O.P. Bibikova).
- Tsvetkova N.N. TNCs in Asian countries: FDI and global production chains // Vostochnaia analitika, 2012. M.: IV RAN, 2012. P. 76-84.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Resource curse and countries of Tropical Africa // Os' mirovoi politiki XXI v.: obostrenie bor'by za resursy v Azii i Afrike. Otv. red. A.M. Khazanov. M.: IV RAN; Tsentr strategicheskoi kon"iunktury, 2013. P. 421-436.
- Tsvetkova N.N. ICT goods and services production and spread of new ICT technologies in Asian countries // Asian countries in the context of current world processes: socio-political, economic, ethno-confessional and socio-cultural problems. M.: IV RAN; Tsentr strategicheskoi kon"iunktury, 2013. P. 60-88.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Introduction // Asian countries in the context of current world processes: socio-political, economic, ethno-confessional and socio-cultural problems. M.: IV RAN; Tsentr strategicheskoi kon"iunktury, 2013. P. 4-9.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Foreign direct investment in Russia and the social mechanism of the market // Market and social problems: Oriental countries and Russia. . M.: IV RAN, Tsentr strategicheskoi kon"iunktury, 2013. P. 38-64.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Introduction // Market and social problems: Oriental countries and Russia. . M.: IV RAN, Tsentr strategicheskoi kon"iunktury, 2013, P. 5-9 (co-author: R.G. Landa).
- Tsvetkova N.N.New architecture of the world oil and gas market: TNCs and state oil and gas companies of exporting countries // Izmeneniia v geopoliticheskoi karte Azii i Severnoi Afriki v nachale XXI veka /Pod red. A.M. Khazanova. M.: IV RAN, Tsentr strategicheskoi kon"iunktury, 2014. P. 75-94.
- Tsvetkova Nina. TNC of Asian BRICS Countries in the ICT Sphere of Africa and the Interests of Russia. // Africa’s Growing role in world politics. Eds: T. Deych, A. Zhukov, O. Kulkova, E. Korendyasov. Moscow: Institute for African Studies RAS, 2014. Р. 133-145. /In English/
- Tsvetkova N.N. Asian TNCs of ICT sphere and the prospects of development of Asian BRICS countries and other Asian countries // Economic, socio-political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian countries. Pro memoriam: A.I. Kuprin. M.: IV RAN; Tsentr strategicheskoi kon"iunktury, 2014. P. 49-80.
- Tsvetkova N.N., Bibikova O.P. Introduction // Economic, socio-political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian countries. Pro memoriam: A.I. Kuprin. M.: IV RAN; Tsentr strategicheskoi kon"iunktury, 2014. P. 4-10.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia: an important step in development of Eurasian integration // International conference «Eurasianism: from dialogue to interaction». Lomonosov MSU. IAAS. M., 2014. P. 224-225.
- Tsvetkova N.N. ICT goods exports from Asia and shifts in the international division of labour // Economic, social, political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian and African countries Pro memoriam: V.G. Rastiannikov. M.: IV RAN; Tsentr strategicheskoi kon"iunktury, 2015. P. 41-73.
- Tsvetkova N.N., Bibikova O.P. Introduction // Economic, social, political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian and African countries Pro memoriam: V.G. Rastiannikov. M.: IV RAN; Tsentr strategicheskoi kon"iunktury, 2015. P. 5-13.
- Tsvetkova N.N., Bibikova O.P. Economic, social, political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian countries // Vostok (Oriens). 2015, № 4. С. 176-181.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Book review: T.L. Deich. China conquers Africa// Vostok (Oriens). 2015, № 3. P. 203-206.
- Tsvetkova N.N., S.V. Ivanova. Geopolitical risks of modern world economy// Vostok (Oriens). 2015, № 2. P. 155-159.
- Tsvetkova N.N. ICT goods and services production in Asian countries and challenges of robotics and automation // Vostok (Oriens). 2015, № 6. P. 113-126.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Transnational corporations and Nation State //Transborder challenges to Nation State. S.A. Panarin, Ed. SPb.: Intersotsis, 2015. P. 328-356.
- Tsvetkova N.N. TNCs from Asian countries: ICT sphere // Vostochnaia analitika, ezhegodnik 2014. M.: IV RAN, 2015. P. 71-87,165-179.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Sanctions against Russia and the problem of diversification of trade and economic relations of Russia // Vostok mezhdu Zapadom i Rossiei. Otv. red. A.M. Khazanov. M.: IV RAN, 2015. P. 74-94.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Asian countries in international trade in electronic components and global value chains // Vostok (Oriens). 2016, № 6. P. 73-89.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Trade and industrial groups from Asian countries: traditions and innovations // Economic, socio-political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian and African countries. Pro memoriam: L.F. Pakhomova. M.: IV RAN, Izdatel' Vorob'ev A.V., 2016. P. 67-96.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Western sanctions and import substitution in Russia: Asian partners // Economic, socio-political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian and African countries. Pro memoriam: L.F. Pakhomova. M.: IV RAN, Izdatel' Vorob'ev A.V., 2016. P. 227-242.
- Tsvetkova N.N., Bibikova O.P. Introduction / Economic, socio-political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian and African countries. Pro memoriam: L.F. Pakhomova. M.: IV RAN, Izdatel' Vorob'ev A.V., 2016. P. 6-12.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Regional integration in East Asia and global value chains // Regional'naia integratsiia v global'noi ekonomike. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii (Moskva, 15 aprelia 2016 g.). Pod red. I.N. Platonovoi. M.: MGIMO –Universitet, 2016. P. 266-277.
- Tsvetkova N.N. International economic integration and Eurasian Economic Union // Regional'naia integratsiia na prostranstve SNG. Sb. Red. koll.: R.I. Khasbulatov, N.V. Ponomareva, S.V. Ivanova, M.: REU im. G.V. Plekhanova, 2016. P. 160-163.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Bibikova O.P. Economic, social, political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian countries // Восток (Oriens). 2016, №1. P. 174-180.
- Tsvetkova N.N. IT-services: Asian experience and prospects for Russia //Rossiia: tendentsii i perspektivy razvitiia. RAN INION. Nauchnyi Sovet RAN po kompleksnym problemam Evraziiskoi ekonomicheskoi integratsii, modernizatsii, konkurentosposobnosti i ustoichivomu razvitiiu. Klub sub"ektov innovatsionnogo i tekhnologicheskogo razvitiia. Ezhegodnik. Vypusk 11. Chast' 1. Otv. red. V.I. Gerasimov, D.V. Evfremenko. M.: INION RAN, 2016. P. 345-352.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Foreign direct investment in import substitution: Asian experience and Russia, 1960-2010 // Vostochnaia analitika, 2015, № 4. М.: IV RAN, 2016. P. 58-78.
- Tsvetkova N.N. TNCs from Asian countries in Russia and import substitution // Rossiia: tendentsii i perspektivy razvitiia. RAN INION. Ezhegodnik. 2017. Vypusk 12. Chast' 2. Otv. red. V.I. Gerasimov. P. 204-211.
- Tsvetkova N.N. New trends in globalization: regional integration and the rise of protectionism // Trudy Instituta vostokovedeniia RAN, Vyp. 4: Economic, socio-political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian and African countries. otv. red. vypuska O. P. Bibikova, N. N. Tsvetkova . M.: IV RAN, 2017. P. 45-67.
- Tsvetkova N.N., Bibikova O.P. Introduction // Trudy Instituta vostokovedeniia RAN, Vyp. 4: . Economic, socio-political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian and African countries. otv. red. vypuska O. P. Bibikova, N. N. Tsvetkova . M.: IV RAN, 2017. P. 8–19.
- Tsvetkova N.N., Akimov A.V., Ivanova S.V. Outlines of the world economy future // Vostok (Oriens). 2017, № 5. P. 157-160.
- Tsvetkova N.N. China in the ICT Goods Production and Export / Vostochnaia analitika, 2016. Vyp. 1. M., IV RAN, 2017. P. 7-40.
- Tsvetkova N.N.China in the ICT Goods Production and Export (на англ. яз.)// Vostochnaia analitika. 2016. Vypusk 2. M., IV RAN, 2017. P. 18-48.
- Tsvetkova N.N. TNCs from Asian countries: computer and telecommunications equipment // Aziia i Afrika segodnia. 2017. № 3. P. 25-28.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Asian and African countries: new trends in globalization and labour-saving technologies // Vostok (Oriens). 2017. № 6. P. 88-104.
- Tsvetkova N.N., Bibikova O.P. Economic, social, political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian countries // Vostok (Oriens). 2017. № 2. P. 175-179.
- Tsvetkova N.N. Book review: V.A. Isaev, A.O. Filonik. Qatar: tri stolpa rosta (sotsial'no-ekonomicheskii ocherk). M.: IVRAN, 2016 // Vostok (Oriens). 2017. № 3. P. 217-221.
- Tsvetkova N.N. ICT goods and services production in Asia in the context of automation and robotics // Vostochnaia analitika, 2017. № 1-2. P. 97-102, 160-164. (на русском и англ. яз.).
- Tsvetkova N.N. Import substitution in Russia and Asian partners^ computer and telecommunications equipment // Nestabil'nost' geostrategicheskogo prostranstva v stranakh Blizhnego, Srednego i Dal'nego Vostoka: aktual'nye problemy/ Otv. red. M.I. Krupianko. – M.: IV RAN, Izd. Vorob'ev, 2017. P. 156-175.
- Tsvetkova N.N. New Eastern partnership: TNCs producing ICT goods on the Russian market // Obostrenie mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii v Azii i Afrike i pozitsiia Rossii. Posv. 85-letiiu A.M. Khazanova. Otv. red. U.Z. Sharipov, M.I. Krupianko. – M.: IV RAN, 2017. P. 187-207.
- Tsvetkova N.N. International labour migration and new labour saving technologies //Lomonosovskie chteniia. Vostokovedenie. Tezisy dokladov nauchnoi konferentsii Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. Institut stran Azii i Afriki. (17 aprelia 2017 g.) /Otv. red. V.E. Smirnov. M.: Tezaurus, 2017. P. 239-241.
Editor of collections of articles (1,8 – in collab. with R.G. Landa, 2-7, 9-12 – with O.P. Bibikova):
- Oriental socium, pro memoriam A.I. Levkovkiy. M.: IV RAN, 2007.
- Oriental socium and religion. M.: IV RAN, 2009;
- Middle East: XXI century challenges. M.: IV RAN - Institut Blizhnego Vostoka , 2009.
- The East: XXI century challenges. M.: IV RAN, 2010;
- Foreign East nowadays: thirty years after (1980-2010), pro memoriam: G.F. Kim. M.: IV RAN, 2011.
- Asian countries: socio-political, socio-economic, ethno-confessional and socio-cultural problems in the context of globalization. Pro memoriam: A.M. Petrov. M.: IV RAN, 2012;
- Asian countries in the context of current world processes: socio-political, economic, ethn0-confessional and socio-cultural problems. M.: IV RAN; Tsentr strategicheskoi kon"iunktury, 2013;
- Market and social problems: Oriental countries and Russia. M.: IV RAN, Tsentr strategicheskoi kon"iunktury, 2013;
- Economic, socio-political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian countries. Pro memoriam: A.I. Kuprin. M.: IV RAN; Tsentr strategicheskoi kon"iunktury, 2014;
- Economic, social, political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian and African countries Pro memoriam: V.G. Rastiannikov. M.: IV RAN; Tsentr strategicheskoi kon"iunktury, 2015;
- Economic, socio-political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian and African countries. Pro memoriam: L.F. Pakhomova. M.: IV RAN, Izdatel' Vorob'ev A.V., 2016.
- Trudy Instituta vostokovedeniia RAN, Vyp. 4: Economic, socio-political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian and African countries. otv. red. vypuska O. P. Bibikova, N. N. Tsvetkova . M.: IV RAN, 2017.
Economic, socio-political, ethno-confessional problems of Asian and African countries (with O.P. Bibikova). Annually: 2007-2017 гг. (12 conferences and round tables)