PhD in History, Master in Political Science, Master in Regional Studies
IOS RAS » Center for Japanese Studies » senior researcher
Scientific Interests
Foreign policy and domestic politics of contemporary Japan, post-war Japanese history
BA in Regional Studies — MGIMO-University, 2009; MA in Political Science — Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan), 2013; MA in Regional Studies — MGIMO-Univesity, 2016; Since 2016 – PhD Candidate (Contemporary History), MGIMO University.
MGIMO University, Department of Asian and African Studies, courses taught: "History of Japan", "Politics and Economy of Asian and African Countries", "Contemporary Issues of Japan and Countries of the Korean Peninsula", seminar classes; MGIMO University, Department of Japanese, Korean and other languages, teaching Japanese as the third foreign language
List of main publications (monographs)
- Nelidov V. Half-Century of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty: Some Results and Prospects [in Russian] / V.V. Nelidov // Yaponiya v Aziatsko-Tihookeanskom regione: politicheskie, ekonomicheskie i sotsial'no-kul'turnye aspekty. – Moscow: Vostochnaya Literatura, 2009. – Pp. 72-91.
- Nelidov V. Russo-Japanese Economic Ties: The Key to the Success of Bilateral Relations? [in Russian] / V.V. Nelidov // 25 let vneshnej politike Rossii: sbornik materialov X Konventa RAMI. Vol. 1, Is. 2. – Moscow, MGIMO University, 2017. – Pp. 111-119.
- Nelidov V. The Chinese Factor as the Driving Force of Japan's Military Policy in the Early 21st Century [in Russian] / V.V. Nelidov // Arhitektura bezopasnosti i sotrudnichestva v Vostochnoij Azii: Doklady, predstavlennye na IV mezhdunarodnoj konferentsii molodyh vostokovedov v Institute Dal'nego Vostoka RAN. – Moscow, IFES RAS, 2017. – P. 63-71.
- Nelidov V. Japan’s Military Policy at the Present Stage: Motivation, Aims, Prospects [in Russian] / V.V. Nelidov // Problemy Dal'nego Vostoka. – 2017. – Is. 4. – Pp. 88-96.