
Yuliy I.

PhD in History, PhD in Biology

IOS RAS » Department of Oriental history » senior researcher

Scientific Interests

History of Inner Asia (mainly the middle ages), nomadic studies, the history of interaction between man and nature in nomadic societies of Inner Asia, the sacralisation of supreme power

Main publication:

  1. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Some aspects of relationship of the Mongols to the environment in the era of conquest // Bulletin of the Orientalists’ Society. Issue 9: HUNGARO-RUSSICA: The history and culture of the Eurasian steppe. Moscow: The Institute of Oriental Studies, 2002. P. 60-108 (in Russian).
  2. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Tibetan contribution to the ethnic ecology of Mongolia // The East (Oriens). 2003. № 5. P. 42-51 (in Russian).
  3. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Ecological aspects of traditional culture of Mongolian peoples / / Man and Nature in the spiritual culture of the East. Moscow: Institute of Oriental studies: Kraft+, 2004. P. 465-497 (in Russian).
  4. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Nature reserves, kuruk as a phenomenon of the traditional culture of the peoples of Central Asia // IASCCA Information Bulletin. Issue 24. Moscow: The Institute of Oriental Studies, 2004. P. 7-31.
  5. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Shrines of their own and aliens’ in views of the medieval Mongols // Man and nature: history and modernity / Social-natural history. Issue 24. Simferopol: “Ayan”, “Dolya”, 2004. P. 57-76 (in Russian).
  6. Drobyshev, Yu.I. The nature management and perception of nature by the Xiongnu // The East (Oriens). 2005.  № 1. P. 44-55 (in Russian).
  7. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Funeral and Memorial Rituals of the Medieval Mongols and Their Underlying Worldview // Ethnographical review. 2005. № 1. P. 119-140 (in Russian).
  8. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Funeral and Memorial Rituals of the Medieval Mongols and Their Underlying Worldview // Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia. Vol. 45. № 1. Summer 2006. P. 65-92.
  9. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Ecological specificity of Mongol culture of the late XIV – XVI centuries // Ethnoecological aspects of spiritual culture. Moscow: The Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, 2005. P. 102-149 (in Russian).
  10. Drobyshev, Yu.I. To the typology of the medieval reserves of Inner and Central Asia // Turkological collection 2003-2004. Moscow: Publishing firm “East literature”, 2005. P. 30-47 (in Russian).
  11. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Evolution of material and spiritual culture of Xianbei // Questions of history. 2006. № 1. P. 106-120 (in Russian).
  12. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Some aspects of Rouran Khaganate culture // Thirty-sixth scientific conference “Society and state in China”. Moscow: Publishing firm “East literature”, 2006. P. 26-35 (in Russian).
  13. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Customary law of the Kazakhs: ecological comments // Turkological collection 2005. Moscow: Publishing firm “East literature”, 2006. P. 159-188 (in Russian).
  14. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Mandate of Heaven in the hands of Mongols / / Basileus: collection of articles dedicated to the 60th anniversary of D.D. Vasilyev // Moscow: Publishing firm “East literature”, 2007. P. 137-156 (in Russian).
  15. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Environmental topics in the medieval Mongolian law // Mongolica VII. Saint-Petersburg: Petersburg Oriental studies, 2007. P. 71-82 (in Russian).
  16. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Buddhism and Tengrianism: confrontation or cooperation? // Materials of the conference “Buddhist culture: history, source studies, linguistics, and art” (Second Dorjiev’s readings). Saint-Petersburg: Petersburg Oriental studies, 2008. P. 107-121 (in Russian).
  17. Drobyshev, Yu.I. The ancient Turks and the environment // Ethnical ecology: peoples and their culture / Ed. by N.A. Dubova, L.T. Solovyova. Moscow: “Old garden”, 2008. P. 329-362 (in Russian).
  18. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Historiography of ethnical ecology of the Mongolian nomads // Mongolica VIII. Saint-Petersburg: Petersburg Oriental studies, 2008. P. 37-49 (in Russian).
  19. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Some questions of methodology of ethno-ecological reconstructions (by the example of Inner Asia) // Races and peoples. Issue 34. Moscow: Science, 2009. P. 161-195 (in Russian).
  20. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Uighur Khaganate – atypical nomadic empire // The East (Oriens). 2009. № 3. P. 17-26 (in Russian).
  21. Drobyshev, Yu.I. The policy of the Khitan in Inner Asia // Fortieth scientific conference “Society and state in China”. Moscow: The Institute of Oriental Studies, 2010. P. 108-122 (in Russian).
  22. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Kyrgyzs in Inner Asia (IX century) // The East (Oriens). 2010. № 6. P. 102-109 (in Russian).
  23. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Mongols before Chinghis-khan and the environment // The East (Oriens). 2011. № 5. С. 5-21 (in Russian).
  24. Drobyshev, Yu.I. On some Sino-Mongolian parallels in views to the supreme power // Sacred image of the ruler / “Medievistics” Series. Issue 5 / Ed. by S.A. Vasyutin. Kemerovo: “Kemerovo state University”, 2011. P. 184-208 (in Russian).
  25. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Normative ethics in today's Mongolia // Etiquette of peoples of the East: normative tradition, ritual, customs. Moscow: Publishing firm “East literature”, 2012. С. 155-166 (in Russian).
  26. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Medieval Otuken // The East (Oriens). 2012. № 4. P. 5-22 (in Russian).
  27. Drobyshev, Yu.I. At the origins of the Imperial ideology of medieval Mongols // Society and state in China. Vol. XLII. Part 3. Moscow: The Institute of Oriental Studies, 2012. P. 274-314 (in Russian).
  28. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Who taught the Mongols to worship the Heaven? // Mongolica. An international journal of Mongol studies. Ulaanbaatar, 2013. Vol. 46. Р. 180-194 (in Russian).
  29. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Forest management and protective afforestation in the Tangut state // The East (Oriens). 2013. № 6. P. 5-18 (in Russian).
  30. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Man and nature in the nomadic societies of Central Asia (III BC – XVI AD). Moscow: The Institute of Oriental Studies, 2014. 608 p. (in Russian with English resume).
  31. Drobyshev, Yu.I. The “Tumu incident” and its heroes in the light of ideas about sacral nature of the supreme power // The East (Oriens). 2014. № 5. P. 5-24 (in Russian).
  32. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Weather magic in medieval Mongolia // B.Ya. Vladimirtsov – outstanding mongolist of the twentieth century: Proceedings of the Russian-Mongolian scientific conference, 6-8 October 2014. Saint-Petersburg; Ulan-Bator, 2015. P. 69-78 (in Russian).
  33. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Khitan origins of Mongolian “world-arrangement” // Elite in the history of ancient and medieval peoples of Eurasia: collective monograph / Ed. by P.K. Dashkovsky. Barnaul: Altai University press, 2015. P. 240-249 (in Russian).
  34. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Reflection of the ideological opposition “own – alien” in the land management of Inner Asian nomads // Mongolica XVI. Saint-Petersburg: Petersburg Oriental studies, 2016. P. 17-28 (in Russian).
  35. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Karakorum and the Khorgo volcano // Turko-Mongolian world in past and present: Materials of scientific conference in memory of Sergey Grigoryevich Klyashtorny (1928-2014), 16-17 February 2015, Saint-Petersburg. Saint-Petersburg; Ulan-Bator, 2016. P. 167-177 (in Russian).
  36. Drobyshev, Yu.I., Bokschanin A.A. Mongolian peoples and Ming China / History of China since ancient times to the beginning of XXI century: in 10 vols. T. V: Yuan and Ming Dynasties (1279-1644) / Ed. by A.Sh. Kadyrbaev, A.A. Bokschanin. Moscow: Publishing firm “East literature”, 2016. P. 472-482 (in Russian).
  37. Tishin V.V., Drobyshev, Yu.I. The first written mention of domestic yak in Inner Asia: to the interpretation of the animal of jiao-duan角端 in the sources of post-Han time // Society and state in China. Vol. XLVII. Part 1. Moscow: The Institute of Oriental Studies, 2017. P. 107-117 (in Russian).
  38. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Semantics of bird images on ancient Turkic stone sculptures // World of Inner Asia – 4 / Ed. by B.V. Bazarov. Irkutsk: Imprint, 2017. P. 93-97 (in Russian).
  39. Drobyshev, Yu.I. Climatic factor in the history and culture of Inner Asian nomads / / Sacred in the traditional East / Eds. A.L. Ryabinin, D.D. Vasilyev, O.A. Koroleva, N.I. Fomina. Moscow: The Institute of Oriental Studies, 2017. P. 110-140 (in Russian).
