Yearbook Japan

Yearbook Japan Yearbook Japan The Yearbook «Japan» is the core annual edition of Russian academic community specializing in the sphere of Japanese studies. The decision to publish it was made on February 26, 1971 at a meeting of the Japanese studies section of the Scientific Council for the Coordination of Research Works in Oriental Studies of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The publication of the yearbook, launched in 1972 by the initiative group of Soviet Japanologists, has not been interrupted ever since.

The concept of the yearbook assumes coverage of the widest range of scientific problems of Japanese studies, including issues of domestic and foreign policy of Japan, its economy and society, history, literature and linguistics, culture and religion. The Yearbook Japan contains articles rubricated in the sections of foreign and domestic politics, economics and society, history, and culture. The yearbook provides analytical materials on the economic, political, social and cultural processes occurring in Japan.

Since 2007, the materials of the yearbook have been placed in the Scientific Electronic Library (, and are taken into account in the Russian Science Citation Index.

In the Soviet period, the Yearbook, considered to be the organ of the Japanese studies section of the USSR Academy of Sciences, was published by the Nauka Publishing House with the support of two academic institutions: the Institute of Oriental Studies and the Institute of the Far East.

Since 1994, the yearbook has been published as the official journal of the Association of Japanese Studies and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The yearbook receives financial support from the Japan Foundation and the International Chodiev Foundation.

Founders and publishers

The founder of the Yearbook Japan is the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Editor-in-chief: Streltsov Dmitry, DSc (History)

Editorial Board: Chugrov Sergei, DSc (Sociology); Dyakonova Elena, PhD (Philology); Grishachev Sergei, PhD (History); Kazakov Oleg (Executive Secretary); Katasonova Elena, DSc (History); Kistanov Valerii, DSc (History); Lebedeva Irina, DSc (Economics); Meshcheryakov Aleksandr, DSc (History); Panov Aleksandr, DSc (Political Science)

ISSN 0235-8182


Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS, Rozhdestvenka st. 12, Moscow

Association of Japanese Studies

+7 (495) 628-9780
+7 (495) 628-9780

More information about the journal on the website

Ежегодник Япония. 2018. Т. 47

Editor-in-chief: Dmitry Streltsov

Yearbook Japan, 2018, Vol. 47

Япония 2015. Ежегодник

Editor-in-chief: Dmitry Streltsov

Japan 2015. Annual

Япония 2014. Ежегодник

Editor-in-chief: Dmitry Streltsov

Japan 2014. Annual

Япония 2013. Ежегодник

Editor-in-chief: Dmitry Streltsov

Japan 2013. Annual

Япония 2012. Ежегодник

Editor-in-chief: Elgena Molodyakova

Japan 2012. Annual
