Oriental Courier / Vostochnyi Kurier

«Oriental Courier» Journal «Oriental Courier» Journal The «Oriental Courier / VostochnyiKurier« (VK) Journal founded in January 2019 by the Department of Oriental Studies of the State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN) and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOS RAS). The Journal is published four times a year in two double issues.

The Mission of the Journal is the publication of relevant and original academic Oriental papers and materials in three main areas — History, Political Science and Cultural Studies of the East — to stimulate further study of the disciplines of the humanitarian cycle related to the countries of the East, as well as the development of cooperation of Asiatic scholars in academic and university circles. The authors of the published materials are both Russian Federation domestic and foreign academics, specialists in various fields of knowledge of the East.

The Journal is registered as a mass medium in the Roskomnadzor (Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 77287, issued 25.11.2019) and in the ISSN National Centre for the Russian Federation (ISSN: 2686-8431). Articles are indexed by the Russian Scientific Citation Index and receive a unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier) code in accordance with the international standards for academic peer-reviewed periodicals. All materials submitted to the editorial office undergo double anonymous review.

ISSN 2686-8431


E-mail: oriental-courier@jes.su

URL: https://oriental-courier.ru/

Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (IOS RAS). 12, Rozhdestvenkast., Moscow, Russia, 107031, room 251.

State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN). 26, Maronovskiy Lane, Moscow, Russia, 119049, room 222.

Editorial Advisory Board

Alikber K. Alikberov, , DSc (History), Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS.

Vyacheslav Ya. Belokrenitskiy, DSc (History), Professor, Head of the Center for Middle East Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS.

Vitaly V. Naumkin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, DSc (History), Professor, President of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS.

Aleksey L. Ryabinin, DSc (History), Professor, Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS.

Denis V. Fomin-Nilov, PhD (History), Associate Professor, Rector of the State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN).


Dinara V. Dubrovskaya, PhD (History), Head of the Department of Oriental History, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, Associate Professor, Faculty of Oriental Studies of the State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN) (distan@gmail.com).

Editorial Group

Anastasiya I. Vasilenko, Executive Editor.

Maria A. Terekhova, Academic Editor.

For more information use the official website of the journal:

Editorial Board — https://oriental-courier.ru/redkollegiya-ru-2.html

Instructions for Authors — https://oriental-courier.ru/vk-rules.html

Publishing Ethics — https://oriental-courier.ru/vk-ethics.html

Peer Review — https://oriental-courier.ru/poryadok-recenzirovaniya-zhurnala-vostochnyy-kurer-oriental-courier.html

Archive — https://oriental-courier.ru/index.php?dispatch=issues.archive