Commemorative activities

200th Anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Studies. Exposition Opening Ceremony
16 июня 2018 года
200th Anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Studies. Exposition Opening Ceremony
The exposition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Studies was opened on May 28th, 2018 in the State Museum of Oriental Art as the first event of the commemoration agenda.

Academic Forum “Institute of Oriental Studies 200th Anniversary”
2 ноября 2018 года
Academic Forum “Institute of Oriental Studies 200th Anniversary”
The Academic Forum commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Studies (est. 1818) was held in Moscow.

Mongolian Civilization in Focus of Russian Oriental Studies
27 октября 2018 года
Mongolian Civilization in Focus of Russian Oriental Studies
The conference was on the main issues of Mongolian Civilization Studies.

Islam in Modern World: Doctrine and Community
27 октября 2018 года
Islam in Modern World: Doctrine and Community
The Conference topics were relevant to contemporary Islamic Studies and were a priority in the Insitute's research program.

Languages and Folklore of Southern Arabian Ethnicities: Main Directions of Recent Russian and International Studies
28 октября 2018 года
Languages and Folklore of Southern Arabian Ethnicities: Main Directions of Recent Russian and International Studies
The main objective of the Conference was to represent that day state of Semitic linguistcs branch and to outline the key points of its development.

500 Years of Russian-Turkish Relations
29 октября 2018 года
500 Years of Russian-Turkish Relations
Within the framework of the 200th Anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Studies commemoration agenda, an exposition of various documents on Russian-Turkish relations was held at the Expo Hall of the Russian State Humanitarian University on October the 30th.

The Current Issues of Tibetology and Buddhology
30 октября 2018 года
The Current Issues of Tibetology and Buddhology
This event marked the third in a series of international conferences on Tibetology and Buddhology, that the Institite of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences) had organized since 2014.

200 Years of Classic Oriental Studies in Russia: Source Studies, Archive Science, and Archaeology.  Archaeology Section
31 октября 2018 года
200 Years of Classic Oriental Studies in Russia: Source Studies, Archive Science, and Archaeology. Archaeology Section
The conference brouoght together more than 70 speakers from Russian and foreign academic and educational institutions.

200 Years of Classic Oriental Studies in Russia: Source Studies, Archive Science, and Archaeology. Historical Sources Section
31 октября 2018 года
200 Years of Classic Oriental Studies in Russia: Source Studies, Archive Science, and Archaeology. Historical Sources Section
The documents presented at this conference were created in the ancient times. These papers define our vision of history, social structure, culture, and spirituality of the Eastern nations and peoples of the past.

200 Years of Classic Oriental Studies in Russia: Source Studies, Archive Science and Archaeology. Archive Studies Section
31 октября 2018 года
200 Years of Classic Oriental Studies in Russia: Source Studies, Archive Science and Archaeology. Archive Studies Section
The documents presented at this conference revealed the sources that had been defining our vision of history, social structure, culture, and spirituality of the Eastern nations since the ancient times.

13th Conference of Arabists
31 октября 2018 года
13th Conference of Arabists
The conference covered a vast variety of issues.

 Peace & State – Building the Future of the Middle East
31 октября 2018 года
Peace & State – Building the Future of the Middle East
The event was organized in partership with the Center for Security and Development Studies at the School of World Politics of Lomonosov State University.

Geopolitics, the Nuclear Issue, and the Middle East
31 октября 2018 года
Geopolitics, the Nuclear Issue, and the Middle East
The seminar was organized by the Institute of Oriental Studies, in cooperation with the International Insitute for Strategic Studies.

The Conflict in the South China Sea
31 октября 2018 года
The Conflict in the South China Sea
The conflict on the South China Sea was one of the most potentially dangerous for global security that day.

Exhibition of Genuine Archival Documents
31 октября 2018 года
Exhibition of Genuine Archival Documents "Russian Oriental Studies in the 20th Century"
The Federal Archives Agency, the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History and the Institute of Oriental Studies held an exhibition of archival documents within the framework of the international congress "200 Years of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

Caucasian Albania in the Historical and Cultural Space of Eurasia
1 ноября 2018 года
Caucasian Albania in the Historical and Cultural Space of Eurasia
The conference was on culture and history of the most ancient state of the Eastern Caucasus, known among the scholars as the Caucasian Albania.

Russia and India in Regional and Global Contexts
31 октября 2018 года
Russia and India in Regional and Global Contexts
This joint Russian-Indian conference was an opportunity to discuss cooperation between the two states, the development of global and regional international processes.

Achievements and Challenges in Israel Development
1 ноября 2018 года
Achievements and Challenges in Israel Development
The conference was on different issues of Israel development in the past 70 years.

Innovation Economics Development in the Middle East
31 октября 2018 года
Innovation Economics Development in the Middle East
The conference was on different approaches to innovation economics development in the countries of the Middle East.

Past and Future of Russian Sinology
1 ноября 2018 года
Past and Future of Russian Sinology
This conference was dedicated to the most complex, important, and relevant issues in the history of the Russian Sinology.
