Academic department “Russia-Arab dialogue”

Head of the department: Anatoly Egorin

Academic department “Russia-Arab dialogue” is an interdepartmental branch dealing with coordination, development, and realization of educational, academic and cultural programs. The work of the department on establishing academic contacts among Russian and Arab colleagues is approved and coordinated by the Institute of Oriental studies and presented by a close encounter with leading experts and head of concerned departments.

By agreement with ALEСSO (Tunis, 18th April 2005), the main agenda consists of the following:

a) ascertainment of general policy in academic, cultural and pedagogical fields between Russia and the Arab world

b) arrangement of certain events and meetings with leading experts, public and political representatives from both sides for optimization of a mutualy beneficial streamline of Russia-Arab dialogue

The major work principles are equality and mutual understanding along with pluralism of views.

The work on the current project consists of a two-stage process.

  1. The accomplishment of academic programs of pan-Arabic significance with the help pf ALECSO
  2. Conduction of joint affairs with certain Arab country or in the framework of protocols on academic collaboration or according to inter-governmental programs on cultural and scholar collaboration, signed by the Russian Federation with a particular Arab country

Following forms of work: organizing regular seminars, conferences, round tables on the themes of common interests; mixed groups for the accomplishment of certain scholar tasks and goals; courses of Arabic language (in Russia) and Russian courses (in Arab countries); students and lectors exchange; joint scholar projects for translation of academic works; publications exchange.

With the contribution of the academic center, Russian-Arab dialogue, several monographs by Russian scholars were published.

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