
Shihabaddin Ahmad al-Budayri
Monday 15 March 2021
Shihabaddin Ahmad al-Budayri "Daily Events of Damascus ash-Sham from 1154 to 1176 (1741-1763)"
The great work of Irina Smilyanskaya "Daily Events of Damascus ash-Sham from 1154 to 1176 (1741-1763)" has been published at last.

Following the Footsteps of Miklouho-Maclay due to the Educational Project “Expeditions of Three Centuries. Walking by the Footsteps of Miklouho-Maclay
Thursday 4 March 2021
Following the Footsteps of Miklouho-Maclay due to the Educational Project “Expeditions of Three Centuries. Walking by the Footsteps of Miklouho-Maclay"
For the first time, the young generation of Russians had a unique opportunity to follow the footsteps of Miklouho-Maclay and to develop its own expedition project to the island New Guinea. This opportunity appeared thanks to the educational project “Expeditions of three centuries. Walking by the footsteps of Miklouho-Maclay ".

The Presentation of the Journal “Vostochniy Kurier”
Friday 19 February 2021
The Presentation of the Journal “Vostochniy Kurier”
The presentation of the magazine "Vostochniy Kurier" took place at the Institute of Oriental Studies on February the 19th, 2021.

Meeting with Delegation of Southern Yemen Transition Council
Wednesday 3 February 2021
Meeting with Delegation of Southern Yemen Transition Council
The Center of Arab and Islamic Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies held a meeting with the delegation of the Southern Yemen Transition Council this Wednesday, the 3rd of February, 2021.

Seminar “The 4th Industrial Revolution and its Impact on Society and Humanitarian Knowledge
Tuesday 2 February 2021
Seminar “The 4th Industrial Revolution and its Impact on Society and Humanitarian Knowledge"
The regular seminar meeting "Theory and Methodology Issues of History and Socio-Humanitarian Knowledge" took place in the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences) on February the 2nd at 17:00. The topic of the session was: "The 4th Industrial Revolution and its Impact on Society and Humanitarian Knowledge".

Seminar “Engaging China in Micro Intellectual History - Sinologists, Practitioners, and Migrants”
Friday 29 January 2021
Seminar “Engaging China in Micro Intellectual History - Sinologists, Practitioners, and Migrants”
The members of the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences) delivered speeches at the international seminar “Engaging China in Micro Intellectual History - Sinologists, Practitioners, and Migrants” on the 29th January 2021.

Meeting with Egyptian Diplomats
Wednesday 27 January 2021
Meeting with Egyptian Diplomats
The employees of the Arab Republic of Egypt Embassy in the Russian Federation visited the Center of Scientific and Analytical Information of the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences) on January 27th, 2021. The following people were among the egyptian officials : Mohamed Zaazu, the Deputy Head of Mission, Dr. Khaled Shaalan, the Advisor, Mohamed Elabrak, the First Secretary.

Archaeological Expedition to Gebel Barkalе (Sudan)
Saturday 26 December 2020
Archaeological Expedition to Gebel Barkalе (Sudan)
Тhe first field season of the archaeological expedition of the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences) in Gebel Barkale ended on December 26th, 2020. M.A. Lebedev, the senior researcher, PH. D., was the head of the expedition.

13th Conference of the Japanese Studies Association
Saturday 26 December 2020
13th Conference of the Japanese Studies Association
Тhe 13th Annual Conference of the Japanese Studies Association was held online on December 25th, 2020. Оne of the co-organizers of the Conference was the Center for Japanese Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences).

Monday 21 December 2020
Сonference "2nd World War and the East: to the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory"
On December 21st, 2020, a scientific conference with participation of foreign guests "2nd World War and the East: to the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory" was held at the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences).

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